one common interpretation is wrong

Sep 10, 2024

A visit from a cardinal is often seen as a spiritual or symbolic event. Interpretations vary depending on personal beliefs and cultural backgrounds, but a visit from a red bird is generally considered a positive and meaningful event.

I have one dude in particular that’s been hanging around constantly for the past couple weeks and I don’t know why. I looked it up thinking maybe it had something to do with fall incoming, but I didn’t find anything at all to back up that theory.

The two most popular interpretations are:

  1. Many believe that a cardinal represents a visit from a deceased loved one. It is thought that when a red bird appears, it is a sign that the person you are missing is watching over you or sending a message of comfort and reassurance.
  2. Some cultures believe that seeing a cardinal is a sign of good fortune or upcoming positive changes.

I can tell you this right now…

With all the bad luck around here lately, that good fortune thing is totally wrong. There’s been zero good luck since he’s been watching me from his tree by the deck. 🥴

Now you know: Leonard Nimoy directed “Three Men And A Baby.”