Another post that refers to the upcoming Casey Anthony trial. Sort of. Not really about her guilt or innocence — but more about her character. Not so long ago, I posted that I wanted to hear what she has to say. With an open mind, I want to hear the truth… especially insofar as why she didn’t report her daughter missing for 31 days.
No doubt Cindy is abrasive. I’m sure the mother/daughter relationship was (and obviously is) tense. I would even speculate that the defense plans to put Casey’s family through the wringer. Who knows how harsh and shocking the defense claims will be against George, brother Lee, and even Cindy. Still, Cindy showed up at the jail, simply wanting to see her daughter. After all, she is Casey’s mother.
But Casey says no way (most likely on the advice of council). Of course, Casey is fighting for her life and can’t afford any mistakes at this point. But couldn’t she have at LEAST sat down behind the glass, touched it with her hand, and mouthed, “I love you, Mom,” — and then walked out?
Cindy — even though she’s a turd — would’ve understood. She would’ve understood because she’s a mother. For Casey, I think it would’ve been the right thing to do. Wouldn’t recommending something similar to his client have been the right thing for Jose Baez to do?
Gracie was disappointed — she can’t imagine dissing her Mom…