Wondering what I could eat as the first thing to touch my stomach after the noro plague, I did a Google search. That search produced a result that I thought I could tolerate but didn’t have in the house. Thank goodness for Mr. Pesky!

I ate all the banana and shared the toast with the doggos. That was the beginning of me being almost human again. Since that amazing breakfast, I’ve had a meal of carrots and cottage cheese (that sent me back to bed for a couple hours) and a pop tart.
As I’m typing on this fine Sunday morning, I’m having my first cup of coffee since I got sick. Other than feeling like the kitchen is a 10-mile walk that leaves me breathless, I think I’m alright.
And just in the nick of time, too!
Today the computers must be moved because Mr. Contractor is supposed to be here tomorrow morning to start in the wall-less room. At least… I’m hoping he shows up. I gave him several thousand dollars on Friday to begin and he said he would deliver materials into the garage that day. I’ve heard nothing so far. 😬
I hope I have enough energy after moving stuff out of this room to complete a beat down if necessary.
And finally, although things are beginning to green up in the Ville, it sure is dreary and brisk…

TIL (Today I Learned): Anne Frank wrote four dirty jokes in her diary, which she later papered over so they weren’t discovered by researchers until 2018.