2022 was the year of change for me. Sold a house... bought a house. Big change, right? If the mere fact of moving doesn't...
i’m up before bedtime and the forecast is nuts
You ever go to bed early thinking you could use those extra zzzz's only to wake up before your typical bedtime? That would...
santa is on holiday until 2023
Yesterday was the day to un-Christmas the barndo. I took down the two inside trees AND carried the heavy turds upstairs for...
content non-marketing
Let's talk about blogging. Do you do it? If so, did you plan ahead before launch with a purpose and plan? WhatIfItDid.com...
how cold is it? welp… lemme tell ya…
Y'all... it's miserable cold here in the Ville. How cold is it? Let me show you how cold it is! That's the inside handle of...
after much debate, i’m decorating a tree in the room with no walls
I have an extra tree and even though Christmas is almost here, I'm still going to put it up. I think I'll scale back on the...
dirty feet don’t matter on concrete
See those dirty paws? Welp... there's 8 of those that touch every single clean floor in the house. Since we've had rain --...
still happy i can see sunsets
Although I posted the photo below on shelleyerwin.com, I wanted to also share it here. So many vibrant colors! The forecast...
i hit the lottery… the jury kind
I've been chosen as a juror for 2023. The full entire year of 2023 I will be required to serve my civic duty. Yes,...