Insofar as any home improvement project I've tackled in the past I have been "all in." Sticking with my new rule of not...
let’s make a deal
So Biden made a deal to trade for Brittney Griner. We all know who she is, who Biden traded to Russia to get her back, and...
barndo stairs claim first victim
In the slow burn of what I want to do to this place, reworking the stairway has always been a medium priority. Widening and...
phone carrier woes
Thanksgiving may be over but I'm still thankful... about almost everything except my mobile phone coverage. AT&T is NOT...
you’re invited to a dance party in the dining room
I started decorating for Christmas in the dining room. The main entrance from outside is that room and it's the first place...
don’t tell perry… shhhh!
Today is the day I'm going to ask Perry to haul out all the Christmas stuff. I'm already late decorating as evidenced by...
life in the outskirts of a frozen tundra
You know you're in Indiana when the low tonight is to be 19° and Thanksgiving is supposed to be close to 60°. Today, it's a...
i was a country cousin – maybe i still am
100 years ago, Jerilyn and I had a business together and named it 'Country Cousins.' We were located in CJ's old building...
i thought i was gonna blow up
I mentioned the other day that we started the wood furnace. I talked about how awesome it was and how I much I was in love...