I'm not talking about the weather when I say the forecast is 'bleak.' I'm instead talking about the COVID forecast....
Business Thoughts
Indiana is not so bad
The peskies heard today that Indiana is the worst of all states insofar as the Rona. Not sure where the news station got...
if you’re a hammer, every problem looks like a nail
The Summit is OVER. My work on it, unfortunately, is not. I've hammered for all I'm worth and I still have nails sticking...
only half a day left and I’m still kickin’
Another full day in the books and a partial day tomorrow to go. Live events are hard for a multitude of reasons. Virtual,...
i can’t remember a time i’ve been as stressed…
If it's true that stress causes all sorts of health problems, I'll be lucky to be alive by Sunday afternoon. Today was the...
what kind of leader (or follower) are you?
Last week my favorite brother, on his daily Facebook live offering, talked about leadership styles. All the comments from...
this is how to market to buyers in 2020
I received an interesting email this morning that has me thinking about how 2020 marketing has changed. It seems as if it's...
is this a new phase for business?
The very second the World Health Organization uttered the word "pandemic," our business (events) came to a screeching halt....
life and work disruptions – COVID-19
As you probably know, a good portion of my work involves events. While it also consists of smaller gatherings for training...