A few things I found while looking around... I seriously don't have time to snoop around the Internet much. As I've...
Business Thoughts
Hello from Indiana, USA
With my job, I get to connect with people from all around the world. And, I'm happy that my favorite brother is the one...
make hay while the sun is shining
Mom was fond of telling my brother, Scott, and me that we should always "make hay while the sun is shining". As a kid, I...
it’s a real party — NOT
When you have a server take a dump on a Sunday... it's infuriating. When the customer support sucks out loud, the day turns...
who needs added stress? me neither!
I read an article today on Mashable about two-time gold medalist swimmer, Rebecca Adlington, and social media trolls....
cows and plows – life in Indiana
I'm not the only one back to work this Tuesday after Memorial Day. Rain and cooler temps in the forecast has farmers...
when others represent you – or when you represent others
My favorite brother ordered Mothers Day flowers for me and for our Mom. (Isn't he fabulous?) He ordered them from the same...
sometimes Siri just doesn’t “get it”
On an important business call, my iPhone decided to shut down. Just like that. My call was lost and I was royally pissed...
when it’s all about the money
Do you visit whatifitdid.com or do you subscribe to posts via email or a subscription through an RSS reader? It doesn't...