Knowing there is always someone better than you doesn't mean you shouldn't still strive to be the best you can be. It also...
Business Thoughts
best apps in da house
I've been thinking about sharing a few of my favorite apps here for a week or so, but wasn't sure which of the ones I love...
this will inspire you – maybe
Being self-employed ain't always easy. Obviously. So I figure listening to and learning from successful entrepreneurs who...
the quickest way to waste $400 bucks
Don't misunderstand... I love iheaters. The infrared heat is amazing. What I hate is purchasing a Bob Villa endorsed,...
stealing isn’t nice
Some users of social media simply don't know that there are rules of etiquette that should be followed. Especially Facebook...
educated guess
Yes, it's been one of THOSE days... Busy is good. Hectic is even ok. But when things go wrong when it's crazy already, the...
a renewed appreciation
I returned before Thanksgiving from a visit to Phoenix and Vegas, and I had forgotten just how much I love it there. But...
a stow-away-asaurus!
I ordered a small photography item (more on this tomorrow and how you can get one too!) online and I didn't get it. At...
the unthinkable!
A new social network (billed as 'anti-Facebook') recently launched with the intent to challenge Facebook's dominance. You...