At some point during my day I make it a point to read current happenings both locally and globally. I look at what's...
picking up an old camera to kill some covid time
I read an AP article this morning that said the US is expected to peak insofar as new cases yet this week, meaning new...
the cold-weather problem no one talks about
There's a real challenge in Indiana in cold weather. No one really talks that much about it and some companies probably...
reading, writing and arithmetic
My favorite granddaughter's first day back to school is tomorrow. She's not excited -- not even close. I don't remember...
Merida was born at the wrong time and place.
Either Merida was born years too late and in the wrong country -- OR she had a previous life as a knocker-up. Know what...
lookie who is camera shy
There are lots of people who are camera shy. It isn't uncommon even now -- when photographs are a day-to-day activity....
celebrating my puppies today
Today is National Love Your Pet Day. So many cute doggie photos shared on Facebook today -- and I guess a couple cats...
Where else do you get to provide advice and someone listens?
Always complaining about Merida and her quirky behavior, I'm even more aggravated at Dharma this morning than I am her....
meri-do-dah- all the day
One-year ago today this black hellion, Merida, came home... She's eaten plants and chewed her sister's ear to the point of...