The sansevieria -- better known as mother-in-law tongue or snake plant -- originally came from Africa. I started out with...
gloria is one busy female
We named the killdeer that builds a nest in the middle of my Momma's driveway Edith. Now, we have a bird named Gloria....
scary noises and photoshop fails
Before I get into the scary noises here at the barndo, let me first share a photo taken at dusk last night... Pretty,...
don’t waste time complaining over what you can’t control
I know the following complaint is out of my control, but rather than take my own advice, I'm going to complain anyway. But...
i found a photo on my phone
This Saturday is the date for daylight savings time to adjust. Springing forward means we lose that hour we gained when...
Jerilyn’s phone was dead but she’s fine.
Having pizza in a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt last night, both my phones starting blowing up at the same time with...
started out foggy but the sun won the day
When I got up this fine Sunday morning it was foggy. Like... expect a swamp monster to appear at any second kind of foggy!...
trust is the foundation of all meaningful relationships
Cooperation, collaboration, and mutual understanding are all built on trust. Without it, interactions are plagued with...
research shows moving 3 minutes every hour clears your mind
Most of us have some type of device that can be set to remind us to move every hour. We all know it's unhealthy to sit for...