I set a goal to post one sunset per week for a year on shelleyerwin.com. I made it to week 3 before I failed. It wasn't a...
proof of my existence
I've taken photos of everyone and everything since I've been back in the Ville but I don't think I've shared even one photo...
just the facts…
1. In 2014, I told you guys to listen to a podcast called Serial. The podcast was a re-investigation of a 1999 murder in...
barn living is not for everyone
I only miss 3 things about Seymour and the Seymour house. They are: Grocery deliveryA linen closetA utility closet Yee Haw!...
i won’t put it on facebook
My buyers' realtor took photos after the closing. Because the girl buying my house had a procedure done to her nose, she...
i planned to share a low cal snack but it was awful
Katie, my niece that's not a niece, is one of the fat girls in our diet group of three. We're almost at the 3 week mark and...
a chinese birthday celebration
Yesterday was Mr. Pesky's birthday. I'm not going to reveal his age, but I will say he looks good to be so ancient. 😉 We...
celebrating the 4th of July
The 4th of July must've been really hard on my entire family. Looking through the photos I promised to share, I found them...
I’m not the one Indiana case!
I've been absent here but for good reason... and not because I'm the one confirmed case in Indiana of monkeypox. While...