Rain on a tin roof is a pretty incredible sleep aid. But if you're only visiting a place for a short time, you'd rather...
photography questions answered
I often get notes from readers about cameras and lenses. Most of the questions are because they are looking to buy -- or...
look to the sky
Every single time I go to Florida I snap a bajillion shots of beautiful sunsets. You too, huh? Yes, the brilliant colors...
a rainbow – a promise
The phone rang tonight just as ole' Nancy Grace unleashed the lawyers. It was those pesky neighbors telling me to walk...
photographer wanna be
Her site says, "I am a wanna-be. A Wanna-Be Photographer. One of these days, with lots of help from family and friends, I...
make your heart happy
Fetching a stick outside makes Gracie happy. Just being outside makes Libby happy. 70 degree temps and lots of sun makes...
simply content
Gracie is content. She patiently waits for special moments of attention, and, if she could talk she'd tell you that she...
that excited spring feeling
I don't know how it works for people who live in areas that don't have a drastic change of seasons, but if you live in...
take that you Floridians!
The burg just experienced the best couple days we've had since last November. Sixty degrees with full sun. Libby still...