My favorite cousin, Jerilyn, just got home yesterday after a long weekend trip to Vegas. She was telling that she awoke...
Random Thoughts
smart means difficult!
There's a person I know that was first married to an extremely smart and assertive woman. She had a great job that she did...
bad choices make great stories
First it was toilet paper -- now it's gas. It's a scary time, for sure. Have you noticed that when people are afraid they...
what’s behind drawer number two?
Did you ever play the Chinese Whispers or Telephone game as a kid? It's where players form a line and the first player...
i need a weekend do-over
It's a gloomy, rainy Monday morning and my motivation didn't show up for work today. My first cup of coffee has yet to kick...
gloomy, rainy, and no coffee – i may not survive
You know it's going to be a bad day when it looks like dusk when you awake AND your coffee pot is stopped up. Our forecast...
mattress review – spoiler… it’s the friendly ghost
I bought a Zinus foam mattress from Amazon three years ago to replace a full feather mattress. To break that down... I...
how old do you think i am?
April 26th is the birthday of my one and only -- most favorite -- son, Ben. Pre-pandemic, we celebrated everyone's birthday...
what i need is Tennessee whiskey
Alexa makes suggestions. Like... "track your recent orders", and "play the President Biden video." Oh... and a couple weeks...