Short thought on the current political challenge. I said in an earlier post I thought Pence should invoke the 25th but I...
Random Thoughts
welcome to the club… or not
You may already be a member -- or maybe you've not even heard about it -- but Clubhouse is said to be the next major social...
I will never be trending…
I read an article about what blogs to follow -- what's trending -- what the majority of people care enough about to read....
the way to become a World Champion of conspiracy theories
I know a whole bunch of people that are vying for the title 'World Champion of Conspiracy Theories'! I'm starting to wonder...
Indiana’s COVID vaccine online sign-up can be done by an 80 year-old
Got Mom's appointment for her first vaccine. The process was a little clunky at first, but really wasn't that difficult. It...
you’re not changing minds by spewing vitriol on social media
My son and I had a political debate last night by phone. While we didn't agree with one another on some of the points......
it’s ok to be a night owl but only if you do one thing…
First, for all of you who THINK your dog can be challenging, I want to share what Merida did yesterday. The little black...
the number one resolution people make…
What's the #1 New Year's resolution that people in the US make (that actually admit to making resolutions, I guess)? Not so...
you’ll do it all year long — ummm… nope
It's been said that what you do on New Year's Day you'll do all year long. I refuse to believe that to be true. I started...