While the inside tree was up and decorated just a wee bit early, the outside lights just made their appearance today....
Random Thoughts
how to cope with a ding dong shortage
There's a ding dong shortage in Jackson and Jefferson Counties. I know this because I've added ding dongs to my grocery...
dealing with neighbors that plot against you
I'm surrounded by neighbors plotting against me. Their attempt to wear me down by not allowing sleep is working to their...
wide awake with dogs
Barely 7:00 AM and I'm on my second cup of coffee this morning. Just a bit over 3 hours sleep. I'm not even sure why I woke...
meri-do-dah- all the day
One-year ago today this black hellion, Merida, came home... She's eaten plants and chewed her sister's ear to the point of...
chef Shelley Sue: the finest in the land of covid
My good friend, Alisa, is the best cook I know. She gives me recipes I never try. By giving me recipes, I really mean that...
same old… dogs, COVID, yaddah yaddah
It's said you should talk about what you know. Right? Well, I know about dogs (at least MY dogs), and I know how the RONA...
buckle up… here we go again!
Seymour Schools are going all virtual beginning after Thanksgiving break. That means Colette has tomorrow with her friends...
it’s me — i’m the crazy dog lady
I told you guys last week about Duke Energy forcing me to have a tree cut down. I whined about how they woke me on two days...