i’m from southern indiana – emphasis on “southern”

Apr 18, 2019

Sending Perry a text via Siri on my phone, my sentence began, “Oh, well…” To that, Siri automatically provided the emoji I should use… it was a whale, you guys. 🐳 Sadly, saying out loud, “oh, whale” is truly the exaggerated, southern version. That would be me… at least to Siri.

But I can honestly say I never EVER considered adding a cat door through an existing wall of a house. The gal that purchased my long-time home in the Ville can’t say the same.

I’m pretty sure she’s not lived in a rural area before and sincerely hope the other side of the kitty door install she shared on Facebook is in a closet with a closed door. The first o’possum that strolls in there to eat cat food may have her partner looking for a way to put that wall back like it was.

When your back yard is either corn or soy beans, you expect critters (especially mice) and plug every single teeny tiny opening that might allow them access to your home. In addition, I remember hearing packs of coyotes howl at night — so much so that we were careful with our dogs outside after dark. Can a coyote fit through there?

Oh, 🐳!