hi honey… i’m home (and tired)

hi honey… i’m home (and tired)

We rolled in about 2:00 AM ET this morning after our Disney trip. If you’ve been coming around here for the past 15 or so years, you know the following days (every single day for the next week or more) will be all about Disney and our adventures. If you’re not interested in any of that, wait a couple weeks before visiting again.

My speakers were all amazing!

For the Mopar Orlando EXPO 2023, I secured 5 speakers — all Hall of Famers. None disappointed their audiences…

I was especially happy to have my favorite brother and friend, Mark Sanborn, there. They showed up at the bar to meet after they spent time freshening up, while I popped in after 32,000 steps in 103° heat.

Next, the other people that made it great…

Of course, boarding the dogs would’ve been hard so those Pesky neighbors (Mom and Carl) made things a WHOLE LOT easier. I’m forever grateful to Mr. Pesky for running the show, and protecting the property. Don’t mistake him for Clint Eastwood with his pistol at the ready. 😉

Of course, without my tribe, I wouldn’t have even gone to Disney in the first place. All in all we had a great time, but more about that in future posts.

Next, my buddy, Frank — the dude that hires me for every event and trusts me to get the best of the best. (This was taken about 30 minutes after a downpour that Frank and Linda didn’t get caught in. Obviously, I did.) We’re already starting on the next big event. Yippee!

And last but certainly not least, our new friends, Karen and Tom. Tom was attending the conference and we met Karen at the smoker’s bench and just loved her right from the start. Once we were all together, I knew we’d be fast friends. Sure wish they lived closer. (Yup, I’m soaked again while Karen is looking great.)

See you tomorrow for more Disney — unless you’ve decided to check out for a bit. 🙂

i ain’t right – if you laugh… you ain’t either

i ain’t right – if you laugh… you ain’t either

Photoshop Beta has introduced generative AI. Basically, the program generates an image based upon text input and places it where you tell it to.

I don’t know how I feel about it because of it’s capabilities, but it sure is fun — and funny!

Rather than a view of my backyard, I instead took a trip to the Swiss Alps!

Mom and Carl loved their trip to a goat farm!

And Dharma took her first ever trip to the city!

Ben took the day off for some quiet time in the sunshine…

Coco hit the tiki bar…

And, did you know that all REAL men ride side saddle? Well… now ya do!

After the goat farm, Carl decided a trip to a deserted island was more his jam. Can you blame him?

Of course, Mom was upset she didn’t get to go see the amazing turquoise water, so she is just waiting to end it all on her terms.

But I caught her just in time so we could celebrate the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted (July 4, 1776) and the United States officially became its own nation.

Happy 4th of July, y’all! 🙂

(I added a couple landscape photos on shelleyerwin.com if you want to check those out too.)

a kitty high-five can make you smile even on a bad day

a kitty high-five can make you smile even on a bad day

After taking Wanwan for cremation yesterday, Coco and I popped into JC Penney to buy her a few pair of shorts and a couple new t-shirts. That did nothing to cheer her up. Because GameStop is a short walk in the same shopping center, we strolled down the sidewalk to spend some of her birthday money there. I had high hopes that might take her mind off losing her doggie.

How much is that kitten in the window?

In the window of one of the stores we passed (the vape shop) was a kitten that didn’t even notice me but immediately had eyes for Coco. The kitty put her paw up to the window and Coco reached out to touch it through the glass. It was like a kitten high-five and produced the only smile of the day.

Today I Learned: In 1907, socialite Ida Wood emptied her 1 million dollar bank account (21 million in today’s money), declared she was “tired of everything,” and shut herself in a hotel room along with her sisters. She stepped out of the room for the first time 24 years later.

from the 1400’s to today – and it works!

from the 1400’s to today – and it works!

First, let us today remember and honor the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. As we reflect on veterans and military personnel who are deceased, let’s also be thankful for the freedoms we have because of their sacrifices. ❤️

Random tip that I have to share…

Over 2 years ago, a piece of Teddy Bear’s furniture impaled my finger as I was dusting. I’m not talking about a little splinter… I’m talking about a PLANK of wood. I pulled out the big part immediately, but my darned finger has been sore off and on ever since then. There had to be some of that wood left in there!

The process is always the same: a large callous builds up and I pick at it, try to dig out a splinter, trim off all the calloused skin, and even use an emery board to sand the sucker down. A month or so later, the process is repeated. So Mr. Pesky told me I needed to put “drawing salve” on it. I thought he was crazy. I figured it was nothing more than a folk remedy.

prid drawing salve

Dermatologists says it’s BS — vets say it works. The vets are right!

Ichthammol, the active ingredient in drawing salve, dates back to the 1400’s and is made from sulfonated shale oil. It’s been vets’ go-to advice for treating abscesses on the bottom of horses’ feet for years. I put it on my finger — that was red and swollen all the way around to the nail — for 4 nights covered with a Band-Aid.

Last night, I picked out that 2 year-old splinter that was still about 1/4 inch long.

Yes, I took a photo. No, I’m not going to share it. Instead, I’ll share a couple photos from our late lunch yesterday.

Just one more thing — DON’T USE BLACK DRAWING SALVE!

Black drawing salve is used for treating skin cancer and has been known to result in death. Black salve is made from different chemicals (including zinc chloride and sanguinarine) and kills skin cells indiscriminately.

TIL (Today I Learned): The Jim twins were separated at birth and reunited at age 39. Both had married and divorced someone named Linda, were currently married to a Betty, had sons named James Allan, had dogs named Toy, drove the same car, had jobs in security, and regularly vacationed at the same beach in Florida. 😯

backyard ideas for people without a truck

backyard ideas for people without a truck

The title says it all… that’s my dilemma. I simply don’t want to sink another $10K into the barndo this year to end up with more decking and pool electric. I don’t have a truck; I still don’t know how much the HVAC’s final bill will be; and I’ve dumped too much money of late already.

What’s a poor truckless girl to do?

I have a different contractor dude coming on Tuesday to give me a bid on a deck. If it’s not in line with what I’m willing to spend, I’ll be wielding a shovel, have a load of pea gravel or creek rock delivered, and buy some stepping stones. In the meantime, I’m surfing home and garden websites like it’s my job. 🙂

I download photos of things I like that might work and save them in Evernote (I’m not a fan of Pinterest). For example, I could do 2 of these steps up to the pool from the area we’d create with gravel instead of wood…

In the meantime, I’ll just enjoy what I’ve got…

Today should be the last chilly day for awhile so the pool should warm up to comfortable by next weekend. BOOYAH!

TIL (Today I Learned): Burritos are popular food for astronauts in space because it’s easy to eat and doesn’t produce crumbs that could float around and damage equipment.