happy birthday to my momma

happy birthday to my momma

Today was my Momma’s birthday. If you’re expecting photos of the celebration sorry to disappoint. KFC (a favorite of hers), and cake with a lone candle was hand delivered but I doubt she ate much of it. She’s still struggling with the stomach virus. 🙁

If I remember correctly, I was down 3 or 4 days with it and felt ugly for a week or so. Hard to remember now but at the time it felt like forever. I’m sure it does for her too. Hard to celebrate when you’re sick, but I’m sure she was thrilled to have another trip around the sun in the books.

I wished her a happy birthday on Facebook and it’s already had several comments. So many that it will take awhile for me to read them all to her since she doesn’t have — or want — FB. It’s always fun… she typically has a story with every name.

I can’t make up my mind if I’d rather be hot or cold!

It’s too hot inside without the A/C and it’s too cold with it on. It barely hit 70 degrees today and rained the better part of it. Dharma loves it to rain… she’s the water dog. Merida was inside keeping dry.

The downstairs A/C units are still waiting on a repair (or a replacement if the parts don’t make it in). One of their “I’m broke” symptoms is that they don’t recognize the temp. They are full blast or nothing at all. Two days until it’s officially summer and Mother Nature is obviously hanging on to spring. Like me, she doesn’t know if she wants it to be hot or cold either. 🙄

i have an addiction — and it’s not likely it can ever be cured.

i have an addiction — and it’s not likely it can ever be cured.

I’m writing this after 11:00 PM in a Word document because that doesn’t require Internet. Nearly EVERYTHING requires an Internet connection.

I was warned.

I received an email from my Internet provider, REMC, letting me know that the connection here would be intermittent for 8 hours starting after 10:00 PM for maintenance. Of course, I forgot about it until my connection to the world went dark.

Overnight shouldn’t be a big deal, right? ARG! I’d rather it be out during the day when there’s other things I could be doing. I could weed eat… or mow… or pull weeds from the flower beds. There’s LOTS of stuff to do during the day without a connection. Besides, that’s a great excuse for not doing work. 😉

I’m one of those people who turns the TV on when going to bed. Typically, I wake up around 3:00 or 4:00 AM and turn it off. (I normally don’t go to bed until 1:00 or 2:00 AM.) I watch TV to take my mind off of work and real-life BS. My son calls it murder porn – the channels are either ID or Oxygen. Nothing like a serial killer to lull one to sleep.

But no.

Tonight (which is last night for those of you playing along at home), there’s no TV because my services are all streaming. There’s no book to listen to because I forgot to grab a new one. My phone service in the barndo isn’t such that a hot spot is an option either. So here I sit, thinking about how addicted I am to high-speed Internet.

And finally… that deck that may or may not be done by Christmas…

Tim said he’d be finished today. I’d bet $100 that he’ll be here the next 3 days at least. His sole accomplishment yesterday was eating the bacon sandwich I fed him and getting a gate up.

backyard ideas for people without a truck

backyard ideas for people without a truck

The title says it all… that’s my dilemma. I simply don’t want to sink another $10K into the barndo this year to end up with more decking and pool electric. I don’t have a truck; I still don’t know how much the HVAC’s final bill will be; and I’ve dumped too much money of late already.

What’s a poor truckless girl to do?

I have a different contractor dude coming on Tuesday to give me a bid on a deck. If it’s not in line with what I’m willing to spend, I’ll be wielding a shovel, have a load of pea gravel or creek rock delivered, and buy some stepping stones. In the meantime, I’m surfing home and garden websites like it’s my job. 🙂

I download photos of things I like that might work and save them in Evernote (I’m not a fan of Pinterest). For example, I could do 2 of these steps up to the pool from the area we’d create with gravel instead of wood…

In the meantime, I’ll just enjoy what I’ve got…

Today should be the last chilly day for awhile so the pool should warm up to comfortable by next weekend. BOOYAH!

TIL (Today I Learned): Burritos are popular food for astronauts in space because it’s easy to eat and doesn’t produce crumbs that could float around and damage equipment.

remember… it’s your clients and customers who have YOUR money

remember… it’s your clients and customers who have YOUR money

If you directly deal with customers or clients are you wasting their time? The old saying that “time is money” is true — but even more important is the saying that “time is the most valued commodity.”

If you’re wasting my time, it takes away from other things I either need or want to do.

I mentioned before that I secure speakers for one event per year for a client of ours. Tasked with hiring 6 or 7 speakers, preparing contracts, coordinating calls, setting timings, verifying travel and securing ground transportation and more isn’t a cake walk, you guys. So out of 10 speakers proposed, only ONE has me pulling out my hair by the roots.

Sadly, it’s the EMPLOYEE of the speaker that is failing hard.

Each of the exchanges below took a separate email and resulted in over an hour of my time — and this is AFTER it took 3 emails and 2 unreturned calls to even get a response:

Her: Can we set it up for Friday afternoon at 3:30PM EST
Me: That will work. Please provide the email address you prefer the MS Teams invite to be sent to.
Her: What time did you confirm with them?
Me: You offered this Friday at 3:30 PM ET (5/19/23). That works within my client’s calendar.
Her: Ok, I just wanted to make sure!  Thanks for the clarity.
Me: I still need the best email address please. And thanks!
Her: I responded already, but here it is again:
Me: As you can see by reviewing all correspondence between us below, I received nothing with those 2 email addresses until this most recent message. Thanks so much!
Her: Yes, I’m sorry, I see that now, it was stuck in my outgoing/drafts.

I thought it was rude to say, “I responded already, but here it is again.” Even if she HAD provided the email address once — which she didn’t — it was still an ugly way to treat a person wanting to spend around $30,000.

The worst part of all?

The speaker we’re trying to hire is great on stage, and is a very nice guy.

Don’t be that ugly employee that is a poor representation of the company or person you work for or with. Don’t waste the time of people that pay your salary. Just stop it already! 🙂

If this sounds like you and you think you’re doing the best you can — or if you think that you don’t have to work for the customer and at the minimum treat them kindly — then I know who would be much better at your job than you are!

Smiling dog

TIL (Today I Learned): Only a slim majority of Americans realize Puerto Ricans are American citizens.

newsflash: cooked food is hot

newsflash: cooked food is hot

There are some titles to articles that I simply can’t NOT click. For example: McDonald’s Found Liable After Florida Girl ‘Disfigured’ by Chicken Nugget.

What I gleaned from this article — that’s about the dumbest darn thing ever — is that a family of 4 drove through a McDonald’s near Fort Lauderdale and got their 4 year-old daughter chicken nuggets. The lawsuit claims they were “dangerously hot,” one fell on the child’s thigh and got caught under the belt of her car seat, and she’s now “disfigured and scarred.”

Any parents reading this pass hot food to their small child in the back seat without first seeing if it’s too hot?

No? Me neither. My kid is over 40 and I still think about blowing on his food before he eats it. 🙄 There’s no way I would’ve just passed a Happy Meal over the seat without opening it first and checking the contents.

The couple demanded McDonald’s pay $15K for bodily injuries, pain, suffering, mental anguish and emotional distress for the negligence. We wonder what’s wrong with the world we live in today — and I wonder where they got the jurors.

The cardboard mountain is only a hill.

Perry burning trash.

Having such a windy spring and unable to burn anything, the cardboard situation around here was mission critical. Perry started whittling away on it this afternoon.

And Dharma watched…

Dharma outside on the deck.

We’re thinking about suing Amazon.

Dharma was so worried that Perry was going to be injured by the hot fire that she became stressed. Mental anguish and emotional doggie distress should result in compensation and since a whole bunch of the boxes were from Amazon, they should pay. Who’s with me on this reasoning?

TIL (Today I Learned): Out of 400-500 species of shark, the Sand Tiger Shark is the only one known to fart.