on verdict watch but not until Tuesday

on verdict watch but not until Tuesday

Closing arguments were yesterday in the Depp/Heard trial and two jurors were removed from deliberations as alternates. Both of them were judged by courtroom attendees as pro-Johnny Depp. But really… who knows?

Remember Casey Anthony?

I remember the Casey Anthony trial. My friend, Alisa, and I watched as much of the actual trial as we could, and then would watch CourtTV for recaps in the evening. We’d throw our opinions back and forth and we agreed on about everything. But rarely was the reporting from the mainstream media congruent with what we felt we heard live. This case is much the same.

Depp’s attorney, Camille Vasquez, wore white for closing arguments — Amber Heard wore a braid in her hair that looked like a halo. Perception may be important for jurors… but it’s mega-fodder for the media. The way the media reports sways public opinions — and the opinion of the public is paramount for the 2 celebrities in this case. Although it makes ZERO difference in the jury’s decision, it’s likely the most important thing for what comes after this trial.

What doesn’t make it to the jury could change everything.

For example, there’s a recording from the abuse claim in Australia — the altercation where Johnny lost his finger and Amber was allegedly raped with a bottle. The recording was from Amber’s phone and secretly recorded everything said by everyone in the aftermath. It clearly outlines that Amber had only “a few scratches” that everyone talking felt were self-inflicted. You can hear Amber saying things that are in agreement with Johnny’s testimony — not hers.

But this audio can’t come in as evidence because Depp’s bodyguard can be heard throughout… and he’s dead so he can’t give permission. Illustrations like the one below never make it to the jury either, but would obviously make an impact:

the jury can't see it

My opinion — just for me because no one else cares…

Heard shouldn’t have written the op-ed — she did it for the publicity. She didn’t need a temporary restraining order — Depp was heading out of the country for months. She did that for the publicity. Abused or not abused — Heard has done everything for the publicity. If she would’ve just told a believable story, rather than exaggerate and embellish her claims by growing the allegations over time, she might’ve had more in her camp. Real tears when fake crying might help too.

Instead, I’m rooting for Johnny Depp — I know what it feels like to be falsely accused in the media. It happened to our business years ago and it’s ugly. For normal people, fighting back isn’t an option.

And finally… Seymour Walmart sucks and the popular FaceBook profile photo app does too. 😠

It took me over an hour and a half to straighten out missing items from my Walmart delivery today. Walmart said my order was shopped for and delivered by one of their vendors so I needed to contact them. Walmart Seymour wasn’t able to refund the items not received, nor have them delivered. Even though Walmart took my money, it’s not their fault. ARG!

And the latest popular thing on Facebook is the new profile photo. Why use a photo of what you really look like when you can use a modified image that looks like this?

profile photo

I’ll pass on the profile photo option and I’ve placed my last online delivery from Seymour Walmart. (At least until I’m over being mad.)

maybe I’ll sleep in 10-years

maybe I’ll sleep in 10-years

My Oura ring let me know I slept 3 hours and 16 minutes on Thursday night. Here I am, typing about what’s on my mind on what is technically Saturday morning. It’s still Friday night for me because I haven’t gone to bed yet. Maybe wine would help.

maybe i need wine

There’s a “thing” going around on Facebook called the 10-year challenge. People are posting photos of themselves from 10-years ago side-by-side with a current photo. A few looked better actually, a few have aged poorly, and most simply look 10-years older.

I have one that I won’t post on Facebook that I’ll share here. Ben HATES it when I post photos of him on social media. This one would get me in BIG trouble…

10-year family challenge

Not the best for comparison in my side-by-side with Perry, but looking at it makes me think these last 10-years have been rough ones.

And finally, this wouldn’t be complete without the Peskies… they’ve changed less than any of us — other than they both need to stop cutting their bangs so short. 😉

TIL (Today I Learned): Men and women see colors and motion differently. Objects that appear orange to women look yellowish to men, and objects that appear green to women look blue-green to men.

the Facebook time machine

the Facebook time machine

A few days ago, Facebook reminded me of something I posted 5-years prior. It was a “child test” — a series of questions where you record exactly what the child says. I snickered when I read 6 year-old Colette’s answers — and she laughed today too:

child test from 5-years ago

For the record, her birthday is still the same and she still loves Sky Zone. She agrees that sprinkles on the floor is still pretty sad. Everything else has changed. She said she figured I’m around 40 now. Sure hope I don’t age as quickly over the next 5-years.

Also for the record… when you have dark floors and dogs, rain is a big problem. Mopping is nothing but a waste of time.

muddy puppy prints

The yard is drying up so I’m going to try to get things back in order tomorrow as I put up my Christmas tree. Yes, I said I’m putting up my Christmas tree. Don’t judge me. It’s almost Thanksgiving. I had Perry pull everything from the attic a couple days ago and intended to get a start today. When I talked to my favorite brother, he and Tammy were putting up their tree — but I was too busy with work to start mine. I wanted to say something about priorities to him but let it slide. 😉

TIL (Today I Learned): The largest octopus in the world can grow to 30 feet across and has an extra brain in each of its arms. (Crazy when so many humans walk around without one brain in their head.)

the best Facebook private message ever written or received

the best Facebook private message ever written or received

I get a LOT of friend requests on FB and accept very few. If I don’t know the person and we have fewer than 25 or so friends in common, I delete the request. Still, I have plenty of people I don’t know and more than a few dead people on my list of friends. Yesterday, I got a Facebook private message from a “friend” I don’t really know.

Here’s what it said:

Hi, my name is (removed for privacy) and it has been my intention for these last several months to tell you why – aside from your interesting face – I sent you a friend request.  The reason is because I assumed based upon your name and location you could be related to Scott McKain.  Maybe a niece or daughter.  Now I have come to believe you are his sister which is even better.

Now I never knew Scott either – we were never friends or hung out or anything.  I was only aware of him because he read the news and played the records on our local radio station WMPI in Scottsburg years ago. 

I did however meet him briefly when he and I joined a couple hundred of our peers for a trip to Kansas State University back in the early mid 70’s.  The night before our departure they gathered us all in a large banquet room at a hotel in Indianapolis, and after having fed us, one of the adults asked us each to stand up – one by one – and say our name and where we were from.

The room was really noisy with a co-ed group of teenagers getting to know each other so the first several speakers could hardly be heard.  Then it was Scott’s turn and in his booming radio announcer’s voice he said “Hi, I am Scotty McKain from Jackson County” and then after a brief pause he added “God’s country.”

The room had gone silent as soon as he began to speak and when he finished and took his seat the teenagers began to applaud.  So what’s my point?

Fast forward over 40 years and I now work for an Italian company which is headquartered in Milan but also has factories in Spain, France, Poland, Russia, India, as well as several in the United States and in Mexico and in South America as well.  So I frequently encounter people who have never been to this country and know little about it.  Sometimes they ask me “why do you live there, in Indiana?  If I lived in America it would be in Hollywood where the movie stars are.” or “in Las Vegas so I could paarrrty” or “in the mountains so I could ski and snowboard” or “by the ocean so I could swim and surf every day.”  Why do you live there in Indiana?”  So when the question comes up I simply reply by stealing Scott’s observation from 40 years ago.  “Because Indiana is God’s country.”  Then I watch a look of amazement come into their eyes almost as if they have been given a revelation.

My point here is your brother took a throw away line and gave me a gift I have remembered and enjoyed for decades.  That is true talent.  That is true ability.

I am sure you are proud of your brother and I am sure he is proud of you.  When you see him again – if you think of it – please thank him for me for the gift he gave us all many years ago.

Note: This gentleman is referring to a time shortly before this photo was taken…

Scott FFA early 70's.

welcome to the club… or not

welcome to the club… or not

You may already be a member — or maybe you’ve not even heard about it — but Clubhouse is said to be the next major social media platform. (There’s no version for Android right now.) Because I’m currently turned off by ALL SOCIAL MEDIA I probably wouldn’t have joined if not for my favorite brother.

Clubhouse is a live audio platform. There are rooms that allow you to listen to or actively participate in live discussions. Nothing is recorded so when the room ends, it’s gone forever. What makes it so different is that there’s no written comments or private messaging. Read more here on how to get started if you’re interested…

Right now, it’s invite only. If you haven’t been invited, you can still download the app and set-up your account. Someone who knows you might be notified you’ve joined and grant you access.

I’m not making any predictions on the future of Clubhouse. It wouldn’t be fair since my tolerance for all social media platforms is at an all-time low. Facebook is saturated with multilevel marketing and ads to buy stuff — with political opinions sprinkled generously in-between.

Someone sends you a friend request and you accept because you have 47 other friends in common. 10-minutes later, you’re sent a link to their Pampered Chef party. If they’re selling make-up, be prepared to watch your friend host at least one Facebook live a week so you can see them apply foundation and lipstick. Tell me your favorite color and you’ll be entered to win $500! (And then, I’ll pepper you with an offer of two gummies a day clinically proven to shrink fat cells.) Ummm… nope.

I’m social enough, you guys. I even have company in the bathroom… every single time…

bathroom watchers

Since at least two gorillas at the San Diego Zoo tested positive for COVID-19, I should probably look at today’s statistics for humans. You interested?

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…

Daily NEW COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-79.82.7 (up); Jackson Co – 62.0 (up); Florida 74.2 (up); Nevada – 77.7 (slightly down)

TIL (Today I Learned): In 2007 a man in a wheelchair was hit by an 18 wheeler. The handles were ensnared within the grill of the truck and he was pushed at over 60 mph for several miles on the highway. Read about Ben’s wild ride…