merry early Christmas!

merry early Christmas!

Yesterday began with a trip to Rising Sun to see Perry’s Mom for Christmas.

I think I’m a deer magnet.

I could barely stay awake on the drive there and back, but did manage to open my eyes just enough to see two deer at the side of the road. This time, they crossed directly AFTER we passed them. The drive beside the river is beautiful, and you know you’re in Madison by the iconic view — it’s almost the 1/2 way point.

Even though Perry’s Momma doesn’t look thrilled in the photos below, the surprise visit from Perry’s nephew, Coty, was the highlight of everyone’s day.

Our family Christmas is in the books – sort of.

Last night was our Christmas with Coco here. The presents are all unwrapped even though we’ll still get together Christmas Eve minus the granddaughter. My photos last year were awful because we didn’t have walls — this year, they’re lacking for other reasons…

I have lots of photos of Katie’s butt since she played Santa — and this one. 🙄

Here’s when things went downhill.

Carl’s TV needed Perry’s expert repair capabilities so we forgot to do our standard “all together” photo. Ben had to be at work early this morning, so they couldn’t stick around too late… he had to get some sleep.

Next, Perry’s scheduled worker had a family emergency so he had to cover the store overnight. After a busy day already, he left pretty darned ticked off… and sleepy. Carl was the only person that remembered the stove probably needed wood, so he came back and did that so I didn’t have to go out there myself. Perry got back by 7:00 AM, knowing he has to be back to work at 1:00 PM for another shift.

It was a crazy day, but we’re still grateful.

We had a good time for the time we had, and although not perfect, we all were grateful for one another and what time we did get to spend together.

Here’s hoping your holiday is smoother than ours, and you, too, get to spend it with loved ones.

Not that you care about more photos, but there are a few more here at

let’s cram it all into one day – ho ho ho

let’s cram it all into one day – ho ho ho

Let me begin this post by letting you know that I’m typing EARLY this morning while listening to the wind HOWL. Snow squalls are possible today. Yes, seriously. Y’all know I want snow. You probably also know I want fluffy stuff that sticks combined with no wind or ice, and I want the temp to be right at 32° F. Not gonna happen today.

We’re doing Christmas when?

Everyone in my family (except for me and those pesky neighbors) have challenging schedules this Christmas. Perry’s and Ben’s work schedules cut back on the options for planning our family holiday gathering. We’d still be ok with the long-standing Christmas Eve date if not for the fact that we had Colette last year for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day — so this year, those days she’ll be with her Mom.

Perry and I will be going to his Mom’s house on the 21st this year. As luck would have it, that’s the only evening Ben and Perry both have off where we can schedule our get together. Not sure how I’m supposed to do this — especially when it means 3 hours in a car to Rising Sun and back… only to get home and be ready serve a meal — but guess we’ll manage.

And then there was light!

Late finishing up inside decor, I had Perry’s help to make the kitchen festive. Good thing it’s small, right? 🙂

Now you know: The Nike logo was designed for $35.00 US but the company gifted the designer stock that is now worth millions. She held it all without selling.

the last of the mckain 13

the last of the mckain 13

My Uncle Max passed away yesterday morning in his sleep (obituary link) at 91 years-old. Max was the last of the 13 McKain siblings.

Can you even imagine having 13 kids? Me neither!

He was preceded in death by nine brothers: Richard McKain, Roscoe (Anita) McKain, Otis (Doris) McKain, Johnny (Naomi) McKain, Roland (Lorraine) McKain, Dean (Eva) McKain, Jack (Betty) McKain, Dallas (Betty) McKain, and James Phillip McKain; and three sisters: Catherine (Pete) Critchlow, Ethel Jackson, and Shirley (Delmar) Robinett.

Uncle Max enjoyed playing rhythm guitar and would rarely step in on vocals, (typically, that was my Dad’s role) — I only remember him singing, “That Over 30 Look Sure Looks Good on You.

(Taken while stationed in Korea: Uncle Max is far left — Dad is squatting and is 3rd from left.)

(Link to article about the McKain’s service to our country.)

When I think about Max, these things come to mind…

He loved to garden and can. Most of his canning and cooking was done at a garage behind a house he owned (that his daughter lived in and was previously owned by Uncle Dean) that someone named, “Road Kill Cafe.” I’m willing to bet that suited my Aunt Irene just fine since it kept him out of her kitchen.

He was actually a great cook and although it doesn’t say in his obituary, he liked to drink beer and he made the strongest wine batches in Jackson County. 😉

RIP Uncle Max…

it’s true that time slips away… and i feel 100

it’s true that time slips away… and i feel 100

I remember being a kid and going to my uncle Jack’s house practically every Sunday. It was our family’s tradition. My Dad and his brothers would often play music and the kids would eat all the snacks, dance, and play outside. Jack and Betty lived on a hill and we had fun there in the winter too.

Jack and Betty had 3 daughters — one was my favorite brother’s age, Becky; and 2 older than him, Linda and Jenny. Because they were older, they didn’t have much to do with those of us that were younger and oh, so annoying. All 3 of them were cheerleaders at Brownstown Central High School and I thought they were the coolest.

The middle child, Linda, (also in the middle in the photo below) just had a birthday… she turned 75. SEVENTY FIVE YEARS-OLD!!

Linda had three kids. I’ve posted before about Celina and Christy — both of them have stayed at my house when coming to Jackson County. For whatever reason, my brain thinks I’m from THEIR generation instead of from the oldies but goodies one.

I must realize I’m freaking OLD.

I’m a senior and there’s a whole lot of gray hair under the color. Probably. I haven’t seen my real hair color for at least 20 years, but roots don’t lie. 🙂

I need to realize how old I am when I start a project too because I feel like I’m at least 100 today. In the past 3 days I’ve likely done 5 thousand squats while holding a paint roller or brush. I couldn’t do even one more. I’m done.

The floor is done too!

It’s rustic and it’s still concrete, but it suits me just fine. I’m really happy with it.

Moving furniture back in today (even though the new rugs have yet to arrive) and I’m not sure I have the power to do it by myself, but I’m going to give it my best shot. I even have one heavy piece that goes upstairs, but I’ll need help with it. At least I know I couldn’t have done that job at 35. 🙂

Now you know: In 2022, BMW offered subscriptions for customers in the U.K. that would enable them to use their car’s heated front seats (£15 per month) or heated steering wheel (£10 per month).

vacations of yesteryear

vacations of yesteryear

My family actually took vacations in my youth. Not camping at the lake or short trips to the zoo, but real vacations. Oh yes, real vacations to visit dead Presidents. My Momma will not be impressed to learn that the only one I can remember is Andrew Jackson. I do remember touring some jail and getting locked up for a photo, but that won’t count in her book.

Motion sickness.

As a kid, my motion sickness was a real issue for our family. The joke always was that we could leave our home in Indiana at daybreak and not get out of the state by nightfall because they had to stop so many times for me to throw up. And… there were times they didn’t stop soon enough and clean up cut down on travel time. 😉

Then, they discovered the wonders of Dramamine! I was drugged to the point of drooling and was fast asleep for most of the travel time just so we could reach the home of yet another dead president. Imagine my surprise to find there’s a new way to treat motion sickness! My Mom would’ve totally had me sporting a pair of these:

Back when my brother and I were kids, most families didn’t get to take vacations like we did — unlike today when most families go somewhere every year. And back then, if people did travel it was to visit relatives… ones still alive.

And then, at some point, I simply grew out of it.

I no longer get motion sickness when traveling. I don’t get air sick and I’m pretty sure I don’t get car sick anymore either. I’m not 100% sure on that since I’m never in the back seat — I’m either driving or riding shotgun.

I may only remember one dead president, but I do remember how good it felt coming back home. I still feel that way. 🙂

Now you know:  The Hermitage is the home of President Andrew Jackson and is in Nashville, Tennessee. You can still experience the historical mansion, museum and grounds — and they even have a ghost tour in October but it’s sold out. Learn more at: