food obsessed hound dog

food obsessed hound dog

Labradors are known to be a bit food obsessed. My hound dog, Dharma, should be the poster girl for dogs that love to eat.

She happens to think sleeping is pretty cool too.

who is food obsessed?

my weekend is over

my weekend is over

I can’t believe my weekend is over.  While I try to make those 2 non-workdays relaxing and uneventful, things don’t always work out as planned.  I started out at the grocery store and progressed to being a tutor — helping write a college essay. Because it was to be autobiographical and wasn’t about me, that task wasn’t nearly as easy (or quick) as I’d hoped.

As the primary weekend cook (I managed quite well, thank you very much), I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen as opposed to the couch with my laptop and TV remote. Someone else got that job…

weekend couch time

new song… new dance…

new song… new dance…

Back in 2012, I posted about growing out my bangs — Same old song and dance. Here I am, 4 years later, still trying to grow out the bangs I’ve had since high school.

I cut them off — I grow them out to a point — and then I cut them off again.  Right now, we’re on the “grow them out” phase.

At least 3 times every week, I grab a pair of scissors in a moment of desperation. It’s like a bad horror flick! There’s something unnerving about being unable to keep your hair out of your eyes… [insert creepy background music here]


Comments like the one from my favorite sister-in-law, Tammy, “You’re almost there!” — and like the one from Katie, “Don’t cut them off… they are just now looking good!” are what keep me hanging in there for now.

Why this photo in ‘what makes me smile in 2017’? Easy. It’s those goofy comments I just shared.

another book… behind closed doors

another book… behind closed doors

The title reminded me of the OLD Charlie Rich song, “No one knows what goes on behind closed doors.” It’s true and if you want proof, just take 5 minutes on Facebook. Everyone has the perfect husband, the perfectly decorated house, and not only the smartest kids — but the cutest ones too.

This book? If you plan to read ‘Behind Closed Doors’ by B.A. Paris — stop reading now because what follows is sort of a spoiler…

I hate it when a book treats me (the reader) like an idiot. Dude was an attorney. Do you think he left that awesome house and his wealth to a woman he only married to have access to her mentally handicapped sister? Yup — seriously… that’s the plot. And, dude let the dog die a slow death.

I didn’t like it, and neither did Dharma.

hated that book

i need to remember this…

i need to remember this…

When this little quote is remembered just at the right time, it makes me smile. It’s my reminder that although others may think I don’t notice — I do.