mom! shelley touched me!

mom! shelley touched me!

Growing up with an older brother, both of us knew how to pick our battles. While I was the baby and that gave me the upper hand with Mom for most of our sibling altercations, Mom also knew Scott most often times was in the right and I was being the younger, pain in the butt sister.

My favorite brother played this to his advantage, of course. I can still hear, “MOM! Shelley is touching me!” That phrase always resulted in adult intervention and typically meant I was told to stop whatever I was (or wasn’t) doing.

Then, Scott would laugh and point at me behind Mom’s back, gloating in the satisfaction that he had prevailed in the current battle.

We sort of looked like this…

She's touching me, Mom!

40 degrees colder

40 degrees colder

On Monday and Tuesday this week, in good ole’ Indiana, we had temps that hovered around 65 degrees. Yes, in February. Thunderstorms and a chance of tornados loomed in the forecast — and the thunderstorm panned out just fine. While I didn’t lose power, my son did.

Yesterday, I took this photo looking out from Coco’s room. It was exactly 40 degrees colder than it was at the same time the day before.

I do love snow…


these hands…

these hands…

These hands ALWAYS make me happy. Nothing else even comes close…

happy hands

smelly ice-cream erasers

smelly ice-cream erasers

Last week, all Colette could talk about were smelly erasers shaped like ice-cream.  Her version of the story is that some kids got them, but she had not. “I kept waiting every day… but I never got one and I REALLY wanted one.” 

Sadly, I’m guessing they were a reward for some activity or behavior that she didn’t exhibit. Of course, the last thing you want to do is make a child think they don’t have to perform well at school and they’ll still receive the same reward at home, but this item is exactly the type of thing Coco loves. So much so, her Dad had ordered these crazy erasers without knowing they would be some ‘prize’ at school. They finally came in the mail on Saturday.

smelly erasers