celebrate – eat cake

celebrate – eat cake

Yesterday, I turned 29 again. For the umpteenth time.  The company was the best, and the cake was wonderful. I feel great and grateful.  Life is peachy; and the bangs I’ve had since the 80’s are growing out. Can’t get much better than that.

it is my birthday

happy birthday to me!

happy birthday to me!

I’m posting this early… before green beer and all that other St. Patrick’s Day/Birthday celebration stuff because I want to share a photo of something I got last week to enjoy during my birthday week…

flowers for my special day

Flowers are always a thoughtful gift… but you guys, I haven’t seen Sonya in YEARS upon years.  My chin remains resting on my desk! Still, my eyes enjoyed the beauty and my nose the fragrance — and the thoughtful gesture made getting old(er) just a little easier.

this ole’ girl

this ole’ girl

Just like me… Gracie is looking her age. She still has some mighty fine attributes… the most important one being her love for one little girl in particular.

Gracie is getting old!

when marketing efforts backfire

when marketing efforts backfire

I love Carnival cruises and I’ve been on many… LOTS, you guys. I’m subscribed to receive ‘deals’ from them via email. When specials were displayed that interested me, I would click on the link to learn more. And then, the next day… Carnival would call me.

The “link click/then call” process happened a couple more times before I told the representative that I didn’t appreciate being pestered by phone calls all the gosh darned time.

She let me know that every single time a link within email is clicked, their system moves that visitor to a call-list.

I stopped clicking the links — and Carnival might’ve lost a sale. No… probably. They probably missed a booking from me had I not been pushed to buy.

Guess I’ll stay home and be lazy!

be lazy