a nintendo switch is important

a nintendo switch is important

My son simply had to have a Nintendo Switch the very exact second they were available. He talked me into going to Wal-mart — YES, Wal-mart at midnight. I’ve said it before… I would rather take a stick in the eye than go there.  Still, there I was… in line…

walmart line

There were people behind us that waited a very long time to be disappointed.  We did the snoopy dance all the way to the car and didn’t see one person wearing pajamas.

Batten Down the Hatches!

Batten Down the Hatches!

A bad storm passed through Seymour and left around 8k people without electricity.  Guess who was one of the EIGHT THOUSAND? Yes. Me.

Never thought a generator would make me so happy.  There was no damage to the dwelling. With a gas fireplace I wasn’t cold. And with a generator, we had hot running water, a light, and charged phones.  Lots to smile about!

generator bliss

The bad news is that after almost 24 hours of no power — and the purchase of a generator — we figure with the cost rounded out to about $100 a toilet flush. The electric was back on about 3 hours after we got the thing up and running. (No, I don’t have some fancy electric toilet — I have 2 well pumps that need power.)

guard dog on duty

guard dog on duty

Standing guard at the entrance to the fortress, Gracie mean mugs for the camera…

Gracie guard dog

just a minute ago

just a minute ago

It’s been a minute since Dad passed away — and lots more time has passed since he was a butcher in a grocery store. When I run across these kinds of photos, they make my heart happy.

Dallas McKain - grocery store

peskies got a car

peskies got a car

The running joke is that my Mom & Carl are spending my inheritance.  Their latest purchase — a brand new Mini convertible — is more attractive than Mom’s collection of rolling pins.  Things are looking up!

In all seriousness — seeing them happy makes me smile…

adopted a mini