best ever smoked ham recipe

best ever smoked ham recipe

For Easter, Perry smoked a ham and we repeated the recipe he used at Christmastime. Thing is, the first time I didn’t write down the ingredients and couldn’t remember where we found it. Perry located it once again, and I’m going to document it here for future use — and for YOU. It’s the best ham ever and great for holiday meals.

smoked cherry glazed ham

It’s not rocket science so the measurements are not exact.

Set the smoker temp at 250° and use cherry wood — then mix the following ingredients:

  1. 18 oz jar of cherry preserves
  2. 1/4 cup molassas
  3. big squirt of siracha
  4. 1/2 cup of your favorite rub (we used Weber cowboy rub)
  5. large splash of flavored soda (we used strawberry cream Dr. Pepper)

After mixing, set this glaze in the smoker with the ham. In about an hour, crank up the smoker temp to 300°. Your ham should be at around 100° and it’s time to start glazing. Brush on the glaze every 10° until it’s done — when the internal temperature is around 145°.

My tiny family loves it!

Easter Sunday, Ben had to work starting at noon and Coco was with her Momma. Scott and Tammy were with their littles — I don’t blame them — hiding eggs and having the traditional fun for kids. Perry worked early so we waited on him. We were starving by the time we ate. (Maybe that’s why we thought the ham was so amazing?)

my tiny family

Next up – Pineapple Bourbon Glaze!

We found the following recipe and would’ve tried it — but I didn’t have red wine vinegar. 🙁

  • 2/3 cup Bourbon-use your favorite
  • 2 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup Dark Molasses
  • 12oz Pineapple Preserve
  • 1 cup Light Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup of your favorite bbq rub

Now you know: New Jersey is the only state in America where it’s illegal for drivers to pump their own gas.

a new tradition we didn’t start this year

a new tradition we didn’t start this year

I have an acquaintance (she was a friend of my deceased sister-in-law, Sheri) who is a author among other impressive things. Not gonna’ lie… she’s way out there different and would likely be happy to know I said that about her. She recently had a birthday, and at her celebration they started a new tradition.

A symphony of life.

Everyone at the celebration was to choose a word to describe her and SING their word of choice at the same time as the others sang their word choice. All together it “created of symphony” of her life. Perry barely got an off-key version of “Happy Birthday” and was darned lucky to get that. His cake had 5 purple candles to symbolize 50… and 2 pink to make 52.

Perry and his birthday cake

We embraced the same old traditions…

Like… not getting ONE group photo without someone being stupid.

family group photo

The pesky neighbors didn’t get the memo. They look the same in every photo. 🙂

photo of my crazy family

It only went downhill from that point…

Ben, Coco, me and Mom
my crazy family

I went to bed without even cleaning up the mess.

When I crawled in bed last night, the trash can needed emptying and there were 400 forks and spoons in the sink. It was all worth it though — Perry said he had a great birthday. ❤️

Now you know: New York City is owed over $1 billion in unpaid parking tickets and speeding fines.

Cheers to Perry for making another orbit around the sun

Cheers to Perry for making another orbit around the sun

I didn’t need 5 calendar reminders just to remember today is Perry’s 52nd birthday. He’s made yet another fun-filled, successful orbit around the sun!

Perry's orbit around the sun

Today we’ll celebrate his special day with Chinese food and smashed cake.

I showed Perry his cake — the one I had delivered from Walmart (yes, I suck) that was smashed on one side by a crushed lid. He laughed. What he doesn’t know is that I actually remembered to buy ice-cream too. Who wouldn’t be thrilled with a birthday celebration like that? 😉

Ole’ Perry is an easy-going guy — sometimes too much so.

Perry’s always up to go anywhere and try anything. My family has become his… and that ain’t easy, y’all.

Perry and Colette at Disney

He works hard and is generous — and he’s not picky except when it comes to food. I’m not saying he cares so much about having big meals because he’s fine with a peanut butter sandwich. But never mention having goulash or mushrooms. Oh… and never, EVER, offer him sushi.

When I met Perry, he had hair. 😉

Perry had hair!

And then, we worked together for quite a few years and both of us lived through it. (Barely!)

Me and Perry - the southern branch of McKain Performance Group

Happy birthday to Perry — I hope his upcoming journey around the sun is amazing!

Now you know: Compared to their overall weight, koalas have among of the smallest brains of any animal. They are so dumb that they cannot identify leaves as food and refuse to consume them when they are placed on a flat surface as opposed to branches.

gearing up for the winter olympics — snow is here

gearing up for the winter olympics — snow is here

It makes me happy to see snow falling — I love how it blankets the earth. If it’s winter, then gimme some of that clean, white and crisp stuff.

snowing on the outskirts of the ville

I love it even more now!

I’m probably more of a snow fan because I no longer have to get out and drive in it. I do worry when my family and friends have to get to work — like Ben and Perry.

Speaking of poor Perry, he worked 10 hours starting at 6:00 AM yesterday morning. His 3rd shift person called in because the roads were too bad (she lives 10 miles away) so he had to cover that. AND, he’s today’s opener. I can’t imagine working 30 hours in 2 days. 🙁

The girls love the snow, but they don’t want to stay out there.

You’d never know by their pitiful faces that they were only outside like 10 minutes tops.

Dharma loves the snow
Merida wants inside because it's snowing

It’s supposed to be sunny later today, the snow having ended with about 3 inches on the ground here.

Now you know: On the set of Jaws, Spielberg invited George Lucas to see the mechanical shark still in development. Lucas playfully stuck his head in its mouth and Spielberg clamped it shut, leaving Lucas stuck. They snuck out of the workshop thinking they broke the contraption after eventually freeing him.

i’m thinking i should get a prison pen pal

i’m thinking i should get a prison pen pal

Perry is the king of odd Christmas gifts… things you wouldn’t think of in a bajillion years. For example, this year, one of my gifts was a leather bound “everyday” book from Turkey, a fountain pen, and violet ink.

Evil eye charms and fountain pens… 🧙🏼‍♀️

Within the book’s package was an evil eye charm. The evil eye charm — a Nazar — came with instructions. Handmade in the small village of Nazar (near Izmir, Turkey), its concept is thousands of years old (dates to 3300 B.C.E). Wearing the talisman or hanging it in your home is supposed to protect you by warding off negativity while bringing you good fortune and peace… blah blah blah.

The fountain pen came with NO instructions. It only took about 30 minutes to figure out how the heck to fill it, but now I’m writing away like a boss. I thought I’d be some expert calligrapher with a little experience, but it writes pretty much like anything else (except with incredibly thin lines) and my poor penmanship is exactly the same.

fountain pen and leather everyday book for writing

Pen pal applications now being accepted!

I remember having a pen pal in grade school. I can’t remember the country, but I remember the teacher passing out a random letter to each of us that contained a name and address (of their school), and we were required to reply. That was fun. If I’m going to use this stuff, I need a pen pal!

Dearest Convict…

Evidently, even Federal prisoners have access to email through TRULINCS on a computer in their housing units for email — and TextBehind for texting family and friends nationwide.

So now what, Perry? I wonder if I could use it to design tattoos. 🙂
I have plenty of awake time to do that. Every. Single. Day.

life of a dog mom

Now you know: Subway spokesman Jared Fogle’s charity, which was worth $187,000, got dissolved by the State of Indiana in 2012 for repeatedly failing to pay a $5 charity registration fee.