it’s a pig personality test!

it’s a pig personality test!

Take out a sheet of paper — a full sheet — and draw a pig. You can make it as detailed as you like.


Now it’s time to analyze your drawing. We’re going to see if your pig analysis matches your personality.

  1. If you didn’t draw a pig, you’re an asshole.
  2. If the pig is drawn:
    • Toward the top of the paper – You have a tendency to be positive and optimistic.
    • Toward the middle – You have a tendency to be a realist.
    • Toward the bottom – You have a tendency to be pessimistic and may be prone to behaving negatively.
    • Facing left – You have a tendency to believe in tradition and be friendly; you may also be prone to remembering dates well.
    • Facing Right – You have a tendency to be innovative and active, but may be prone to forgetting dates easily and may not have a strong sense of family.
    • Facing front – You have a tendency to be direct, and may enjoy playing the role of devil’s advocate; you also are prone to neither fearing nor avoiding confrontational discussions.
    • With many details – You have a tendency to be analytical, but may also be prone to being cautious to the point that you struggle with trust.
    • With few details – You have a tendency to be emotional and to focus on the larger picture rather than focusing on details. You also have a tendency to be a great risk taker and may sometimes be prone to reckless and impulsive decisions.
    • With less than 4 legs showing – May indicate that you are living through a major period of change and as a result you may be prone to struggling with insecurities.
    • With 4 legs showing – You have a tendency to be secure and to stick to your ideals; however, others may describe you as stubborn.
    • With large ears – Indicates how good of a listener you are (the bigger, the better).
    • With a long tail – Indicates how intelligent you are (the longer, the better)

What my pig says about me…

I’m a realist with a tendency to be direct. I don’t fear or avoid confrontational discussions. I have a tendency to be emotional and focus on the larger picture. I’m secure and stick to my ideals and others describe me as stubborn. I’m an average listener and above average in intelligence.

What does YOUR pig say about YOU?

Extra credit… if you know me, how accurate is my pig assessment? 😉

Now you know: Only 28 books sold more than 500,000 copies in the US in 2022. Eight of them were by romance novelist Colleen Hoover.

electric is flowing to 500

electric is flowing to 500

Another neighbor decorated outside for Christmas today and Mr. Pesky helped. For a little dead end road in the country, we’re festive out here. REMC is watching those meters spin.

Dharma watched as the lights went up.

Being old, I snicked when I saw the meme below. 🙂

I didn’t snicker just because it’s true, but also because of the typo. It made me think back to taking Ben to see Santa in the early 80’s, but made me cringe because whoever took the time to create it couldn’t spell — or more likely, they speak very little English, weren’t alive in 1980, and have never been to the US.

Now you know: The human brain remains half awake when sleeping in a new environment for the first time. When we sleep in a new place, our brains are actually in survival mode, only turning half off, with one hemisphere remaining more “awake” than the other.

there goes part of my inheritance

there goes part of my inheritance

I’m always teasing the Pesky Neighbors about spending my inheritance. For example, Mom wanted new socks and I told her she could go barefoot. 😉

Good thing they know I’m joking…

Otherwise, they might not have brought me home this…

It’s me. I’m a last minute shopper.

Usually, I wait until the last minute to buy gifts. There’s been many years I didn’t even start shopping until mid-December.

Not this year! I still have a few things to pick up, but for the most part I’m done. I have a ton of stuff arriving next week and for the first time ever, I’m wrapping as I go instead of cramming it all into one day. Not gonna lie, I feel pretty darned proud of myself. BAM!

Now you know: Kate Winslet broke Tom Cruise’s underwater filming record while filming Avatar 2. Winslet held her breath during a scene for seven minutes and twelve seconds beating the mark of six minutes Cruise set while filming Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.

are there guinea pigs in da house?

are there guinea pigs in da house?

A few days ago, I told you about my Momma’s Swedish Apple Pie. She brought it to our family’s Thanksgiving meal — and I even shared the recipe with you. It was really good! So good in fact, that I adapted it to create a new dessert. Who doesn’t like a warm dessert when it’s 16 degrees outside? Brrr!

We’ll call it Shelley’s Hoosier Cherry Cobbler.

I’m not going to lie and claim I tried this because of my culinary interests. The hard truth is that I simply didn’t want to peel, core and slice apples. Opening a can of cherry pie filling is MUCH easier, and I’m all about easy when it comes to cooking or baking. And, it’s name was changed from “pie” to “cobbler” because I don’t own a small, round pie pan.

Oh well… 😏

I rounded up some guinea pigs and the results are in!

Shelley’s Hoosier Cherry Cobbler was a hit! Mr. Pesky… who is brutally honest and doesn’t hesitate to offer his opinion on anything… said it was awesome, but I think he still prefers the apple. Perry liked the cherry best.

Both apple and cherry are great — and I’m sure it would work with any fruit. Pineapple is next, y’all. The only change to the recipe is that I suggest baking it longer than 1 hour at 325° — 75 minutes is best, especially if you have a deeper dish like mine.

If you try the cherry recipe, it will match most Christmas decorations. Win!

Today is surgery day for my favorite brother. 🙁

Saying a prayer for a speedy recovery for my brother’s rotator cuff surgery today — I hope you’ll throw one out there for him as well.

Now you know: In the 1950s, when the CIA was fighting the Huks, a communist guerrilla movement in the Philippines, they spread rumors that evil men would be attacked by an aswang or ‘vampire’. As part of psychological warfare, they punctured holes in a dead body and drained it of blood for others to find.

a time machine to breakfast

a time machine to breakfast

Y’all know I’m sleep deprived most of the time. Today is no different. My two hounds wake me up so they can nap. Morning naps are the time machine to breakfast.

I read an article that listed 7 reasons your dog should sleep in bed with you.

  1. You will feel safer.
  2. They keep you warm.
  3. It relieves stress.
  4. Your dog sleeping with you in bed reduces depression.
  5. Their closeness helps you fall asleep faster.
  6. You’ll live longer.
  7. Your dog enjoys being close to you.

Let’s talk about this list… I feel safe without a dog in my bed. I don’t like being warm at night. A hot mess hound dog in bed with me is supposed to relieve stress and reduce depression? Ummm… no. I find it harder to fall asleep with a snoring dog and don’t care how much they enjoy being close to me when I’m sleepy. My longevity is yet to be determined.

Do you have a dog that sleeps in bed with you?

If so, how many in the list above do you agree with?

So very cold but still not a snowflake in sight.

Now you know: Bleach has a shelf life with the effectiveness decreasing after just 6 months and eventually degrades into salt water.