I went to Disney and then promptly fell apart

I went to Disney and then promptly fell apart

My prescribed drugs are all gone. I’m hoping that means I’ll finally start getting more than 4.5 hours sleep at night. That alone would make for improvement.

I previously mentioned that I was taking a couple months off starting 10/15/23 because of my favorite brother’s rotator cuff surgery. His surgery — and my planned hiatus — have been bumped up a month. ARG. Nothing like working on a Monday you thought you’d be off.

The outside flowers are now inside.

All the flowers brought in before the first frost are doing ok. None are dead yet anyway. Trying to find sunny windows downstairs is a challenge when there are so many. But if I move any upstairs, I’m afraid I’ll forget to water them. I’d be more reliable with some sleep, so that may change.

Taking the dogs outside last night just before midnight, it was COLD! 🥶 Fifty damp degrees with rain and a bit of wind, it felt more like winter than fall. I know it’s probably because we’re just not used to it yet, but still. Brrr! This morning as of 9:00 AM, that temp is still here.

What about the leaves?

In Indiana, the peak of fall foliage is mid to late October (depending upon how stressed trees are from lack of rainfall). While the calendar matches up, the trees around the barndo were obviously relaxed because we’re just now starting to see some color.

Now you know: In the 18th century, there was a practice in England known as “wife-selling.” This unusual custom involved a man publicly auctioning off his wife to the highest bidder, often in a marketplace or a tavern. It was sometimes seen as a humorous way to escape an unhappy marriage.

i think i’m about to pull through!

i think i’m about to pull through!

I’m just now starting to feel a bit better. Jerilyn said her son, Jonathan, just got back from Disney and he’s sick. Sure hope it’s not the same thing I have… or if it is, I hope he’s young enough to shake it easier than me. I’m still struggling hard with sleep though… first because I coughed when lying down, and now because the medicine has me wired up.

The ole’ diet is shot for awhile. The antibiotics make me sick if I don’t eat before I take them, and I’m on a 9:00 AM/9:00 PM schedule. That “no eating after 7PM” thing? Not happening! 🙁

It’s almost THIS time of year…

I felt good enough early yesterday morning to venture out and check the hot tub. The lid hadn’t been up for about a month and everything tested perfect. The FROG @ease Floating Sanitizing System is the bomb! If you have a hot tub, try it out. You won’t have to smell like bromine and the chlorine fumes won’t choke you.

It sure is a scary world right now, isn’t it?

Stay away from Drudge Report if you prefer to remain ignorant of what evil, barbaric humans walk the earth. However, if you don’t think closing the borders is paramount — then please, go read every single article on there.

There’s a video of an unconscious young woman (German citizen) in the back of a vehicle, being paraded around Gaza. One gunman had his leg draped over her waist; the other holding a clump of her dreadlocks. They were cheering, “Allahu Akbar,” — “God is Great,” in Arabic. I will never understand how humans — any human with a soul — could justify that.

Now you know: All 15 members of the United Nations Security Council need to vote unanimously for them to release a statement. (On 10/9/23, not all member nations condemned the Hamas’ attacks.)

ah… facebook memories — october must not be my month

ah… facebook memories — october must not be my month

My Facebook memory yesterday was a post I made 13 years ago about being sick. Is October a bad month for me or what?

This time around, I know what I have… and you don’t want it either!

Also, 13 years ago, I became friends with Katie. We’ve been buds now for 13 years. 🙄

7 more days until my work break. Yes, I’m counting.

I have things around here that I’ve been putting off that I plan to start once I’m feeling normal again. Lots of it involves paint. The rest will be all about relaxing and taking a break from the pressure of work.

So many of my friends and former classmates have already retired. I’m not there yet — but I’d be good with being a part-timer. 🙂

Now you know: “Golden Week” in China is a 7 day holiday where workers receive 4 paid days off between 2 weekends so everyone can travel and visit distant family.

huffed and puffed and blew the pool cover off

huffed and puffed and blew the pool cover off

When you hire someone to build a deck around your pool that’s never built a pool deck, you might have trouble with the cover. I looked outside and saw Perry and Mr. Pesky’s hard work thwarted — the cover blown back with half or more of the pool exposed.

The good news is, the crappy water and leaves on top of the cover didn’t get inside the pool and contaminate the water. The bad news is, leaves are falling in there now and the pump is already packed away for winter. Oh well! The puppies thought it was an intruder the way it was flapping. 🙂

Feels like fall and looks like late summer.

Fall temps are here to stay throughout the weekend, but very few leaves have turned colors so far.

I’ve had the windows open — ALL OF THEM — all day. Nearing evening, it’s starting to feel a bit brisk in here and I’ll betcha the Pesky neighbors have their heat on already.

Now you know: In his old age, Marlon Brando spent hours in AOL chatrooms having political arguments with strangers. His account was often banned for telling people to “fuck off”.

apocalypse, cancelled!

apocalypse, cancelled!

In your contacts (I don’t say friends for a reason), I’m willing to bet there’s one person you know that always wants their way. They’ll do anything to get whatever it is THEY want — or what THEY want to have happen. Give ’em and inch and they expect 10 more miles.

It makes zero difference to them how much their demands may hurt/frustrate/inconvenience/ANGER others… they simply don’t care. They do not respect those effected, nor do they empathize with them. They seem to not even realize what others sacrifice so they get what they want.

It’s like Dharma when she wants a treat. 😉

This type of person will refuse to back down and will push and push until their victim just gives up. If you were to confront this type of person, I’d bet the farm they’d put the blame on someone else because they are incapable of realizing their actions are pretty darned ugly.

Actions have consequences. But not always!

The most challenging part is when you give in or give up you feel like you’re rewarding bad behavior! Maybe you give in to their demands because someone else will be upset or hurt if you don’t. Or maybe you give up because it’s simply not worth hashing and rehashing the same ole shit. Maybe it’s both these reasons. Either way, it’s just not worth it.

Here’s hoping the person YOU know like this is one you don’t have to interact with often. When you do… just stay calm and move on. You’re not going to change their behavior anyway.

Now you know: Jimmy Carter created the “Mental Health Systems Act of 1980” to establish Mental Health facilities in communities across America. It was promptly repealed in 1981 by incoming president Reagan.