dodging raindrops and jumping puddles

dodging raindrops and jumping puddles

The severe weather we were forecasted to get this evening went south of us instead. That doesn’t mean we didn’t have rain off and on today.

Rain creates a big mess when you have big dogs.

Merida doesn't like getting her feet wet

It’s not like you can have wee wee pads inside for rainy days like you can with small breeds. Large dogs have to go out — and they bring in some of the outside with them every single time.

Rain creates a great example that shows the uniqueness of my two hounds…

Merida hates water, so her trips are fast, furious, and infrequent. Dharma, on the other hand, goes out, shakes the bushes so water will fall on her back, and lies down on the deck to ensure she’s got plenty of debris to bring inside with her.

Now you know: GPS, despite being free for global use, costs around $2 million a day to operate and maintain. This budget covers satellite launches and system upkeep, funded through American tax revenue.

nature is coming back to life in Indiana

nature is coming back to life in Indiana

We’re in the transitional season here in Tornado Alley US — where rainfall increases along with the wind and chance of tornadoes. After today, our temps are forecasted to drop by around 30°F. 🙄

At least the trees are budding!

trees starting to bud in Indiana in spring

In Indiana, tornadoes are most likely to occur in the late afternoon or evening, but they can happen at any time of day. It’s essential to stay informed about weather conditions and to have a plan in place in case of severe weather warnings.

I stay informed, but my plan is sketchy.

I’d LOVE to have a storm shelter with access in the garage part of this structure. I even priced installation finding that costs vary from $4K – $15K. I’ve never stood in the bathtub (the safest place in every home I’ve owned) for safety in all my years on earth. I figure a storm shelter would likely be the same… I wouldn’t know if I should actually get in until after I’d already blown away.

Now you know: Leonard Skinner is the namesake of Jacksonville rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. Skinner was the high school basketball coach who sent band members to the principal’s office because their hair didn’t comply with the school’s dress code. (Read more here.)

march has a little bit of everything in indiana

march has a little bit of everything in indiana

It’s another frosty morning in southern Indiana with more… you guessed it… WIND! That’s right — 35-40 mph winds coupled with a special weather statement warning us of an elevated fire risk.

morning sunrise in Crothersville, Indiana

Today is the 1st day of spring 2024.

Today is the first day of spring, but it doesn’t feel like it. Just wait though… it could feel like mid-summer before you know it. That’s because March is the month of extreme transitions in my slice of the world. It can see snow (flurries yesterday) to mild temperatures to severe storms.

The earth is amazing isn’t it? It was designed to constantly keep an equalized pressure. When this gets disrupted, we get wind. The stronger the lower pressure is, the harder the earth will fight to equalize it. The pressure struggle is real in rural Crothersville today.

Like me, ole’ Mother Earth is working overtime.

Yesterday, I decided to move my bathroom and closet upstairs. I logged around 16,000 steps and about all of them were made carrying stuff up and down a narrow and steep stairway. Today, we’ll be taking it easy around here. It’s going to be a day of rest and thoughts about the warmer days ahead.

Merida was so distracted by the sunshine she forgot where she left her bone. She’s been searching for it for about an hour and I’m not even going to give her a hint.

Merida's bone in the window

Now you know: A Japanese man, Yasuo Takamatsu, lost his wife in the 2011 earthquake. He has not stopped looking for her body for more than 10 years and has dived more than 800 times in the ocean to retrieve her.

temperatures dropped over 35 degrees in a few short hours

temperatures dropped over 35 degrees in a few short hours

Yesterday, I said if you could subtract by 8 you might be a meteorologist. That was just another false weather prediction. When I went to bed around 1:30 AM this morning, it was 72°F. Right now at around 8:00 AM, it’s 34° F. That’s not a difference of 8, but you can still be a meteorologist since accuracy isn’t a requirement.

morning after the storms

Go home, Jim! 😏

Yesterday, on-air personality of The Weather Channel, (, Jim Cantore and his crew were in Charlestown, Indiana. They were there to provide up-to-the-minute coverage of the devastation caused by the predicted storms.

He should’ve went to Chicago instead. While a bit windy here about 25 miles NE of Charlestown, (my outdoor rugs had their corners turned up) we had no significant weather challenges.

My lightweight, wicker furniture on the deck upstairs didn’t even budge.

not windy enough to move lightweight furniture

Now you know: In 2017, a lawsuit was filed in Austin, Texas by a man seeking $17.31 in damages from his date who had been texting during a movie. He argued that his date’s behavior was a threat to civilized society and the money sought was to reimburse him for the cost of the movie ticket. (He dropped the suit after she paid him back the money.)

if you can subtract by 8, you might be a meteorologist

if you can subtract by 8, you might be a meteorologist

Yesterday was a near perfect spring day even though it’s not yet spring. It was sunny and nearly 75° F.

Dharma enjoying the sunshine

Today, they’re calling for rain and temps to be 8° cooler than yesterday… and tomorrow 8° cooler than that… and the next day, 8° cooler than that. See? If you can subtract by 8, you too could forecast weather in rural southern Indiana.

Will today be the day I bring out the Dap?

With my birthday rapidly approaching, I find I’m getting more and more ads for burial insurance. My inbox gets them and Facebook serves them up to me too. I’m not putting a lot of thought into the Facebook choice since they’re also showing me ads in Spanish, but sheesh!

With Scott talking about his move back to Indiana and Katie being all creative and painting furniture, I have a bit more motivation to patch the bajillion flaws in the upstairs walls and touch-up paint. But still, I can’t seem to get motivated enough to begin.

room with walls that need patching

Here’s to TODAY being the day I get started!

Now you know: Pronouncing Arkansas as “Arkansaw” is required by Arkansas state law.