sure seems like we’re getting a lot of rain this summer!

sure seems like we’re getting a lot of rain this summer!

In June 2013, we had a total of 1.18 inches of precipitation.
In June 2023, we had a total of 4.5 inches of precipitation.

No data yet for July 2023, but I’m guessing it will shake out to be more of the same. The pool water temperature has dropped from 84°F to 80°F. Four degrees doesn’t sound like much, but I got in yesterday and it was COLD! 🥶

No swimming after the sun goes down.

I’ve had a pool for the majority of the time I’ve been a homeowner. We would oftentimes swim after dark and loved the peaceful feeling of floating around with only the pool lights. Without the warming sun, it’s simply too cold for that so far this summer. Not only that, but Perry hasn’t gotten around to hanging the outside lights there yet either.

Sitting outside after dark is comfortable…

…at least when it’s not raining.

It’s an El Niño year and meteorologists say that’s means it could really heat up for the remainder of the season. In the past, El Niño has led to record highs like in 1998 and 2016. It also indicates we can expect cold, wet conditions this winter, but that’s a post for another day.

Today I Learned: Women are 2x as likely as men to have insomnia.

whether you live in Nevada or Indiana, the weather is on a rampage

whether you live in Nevada or Indiana, the weather is on a rampage

My favorite brother sent me a photo complaining about his weather in Las Vegas…

That’s certainly hot… I’ll give him that. But as a reply, I sent him a photo sent to me by one of my best friends, Julie:

Julie lives in Scipio — she and her husband, Scott, own a few hundred acres and the only damage they had from yesterday’s storm was on the plot where their house is located. The roof of their barn is destroyed, Scott’s new truck took some damage (see the dangling mirror?), and the door to the garage isn’t operational.

Take that Mr. “I’m so hot” — you don’t have it so bad after all! 😉

One of the guys that works for Julie’s Scott (not to be confused with my Scott who is whining about being hot in Las Vegas) has a side business. Lucky for them, that side business is tree removal. The tree crew hauled off 6 dump trucks full of tree debris and had their yard and drive cleaned up before Julie took this photo…

She’s pretty sure God sent that just for her — and she was thankful no one was hurt. She said her grandkids might need therapy forever, but they’re all fine. 🙂

And finally, I didn’t catch a double rainbow — I didn’t have storm damage either so that’s a win — but we did have a beautiful sky last night to close out the day.

Today I Learned: In 2024, the original design of Mickey Mouse loses its copyright protection. However, Disney can still take legal action if you draw it in color, because colored Mickey Mouse is still copyrighted until 2035.

young, dumb and broke

young, dumb and broke

Here we are… July 2nd and the pool water still isn’t up to a desired temperature (at least MY desired temp anyway). I’ve NEVER had that happen before. Typically, we’re able to swim in early June. The water temp was almost there at 78° just a couple days ago, but we’re back at 76°. The pool is full of leaves this morning, and it’s over-full from all the rain we’ve had.

The front door hadn’t been open more than 5 minutes and it changed the view.

But so far, the rampaging storms have left us unscathed for the most part. Perry’s nephew, Coty, wasn’t so fortunate. He feels lucky that the damage wasn’t more severe, but it’s more of a burden on him than likely on others because he’s young, dumb, and broke.

Storm damage is awful for everyone but impacts some more than others.

Coty is married and he and his wife both work… still, they’re young and struggling. They just bought a house in a small town and are so proud of their accomplishment. They’re not really dumb… but they are young and broke. Now, they’re young, broke, and have a huge tree debris pile in their front yard.

Their town has a Mayor, but no council. The huge tree depicted above was blocking the road right at the end of their driveway so they called him. Mr. Mayor told them the town would not pay to remove the tree from the town’s street since theirs was the only home that had blocked access.

They found someone willing to clear the road for $500. They were told that to cut up the mess and haul it away it would be another $2,000. Their homeowners insurance has a $1500 deductible and since the uprooted tree didn’t damage the house, they wouldn’t cover it anyway. The only thing they could do was to tell the tree service to simply push the entire pile into their front yard.

Life is hard sometimes, isn’t it?

I remember a time when all I wanted was enough money saved that I could buy a new washer if mine broke. Crazy to have that as a goal, right? We’ve all been young, dumb, and broke at one point… and maybe some reading this still are…

i should’ve skipped the pool and got a storm shelter instead

i should’ve skipped the pool and got a storm shelter instead

Yesterday morning started out with light rain. It was enough to make the chairs outside wet if they weren’t under an umbrella, but nothing awful. It wasn’t long until it was sweltering hot outside! The pesky neighbors dropped by but it didn’t take them long to disappear.

Next came a tornado watch — bad weather possible over a large area. Then came the tornado warning — one was sighted or indicated by radar. Imminent danger! Take cover now!

What do Midwesterners do when told to take cover to avoid loss of life in a tornado?

Why… they go outside and take photos, of course!

Click for more info on yesterday’s severe weather in Indiana. There you’ll find a couple videos from a touchdown in Greenwood, IN.

Not gonna’ lie… I’m terrified of tornados. When a warning is issued, I spend my time watching the clock, watching the sky, and trying to decide if I should corral my dogs and get in the bathtub.

I’d probably do the same thing with a storm shelter. I’d be trying to decide if I should get it in or if the the tornadic activity was going to miss me — and get thrown around like a big ole’ piece of debris shortly thereafter. 🙄

Clear skies at night (sailor’s delight).

By early evening, all the anxiety was gone and so were the dark clouds. Now all we have to worry about is flooding.

Today I learned: The person who invented dumpsters name was dempster, and they where originally called Dempster Dumpsters.

is it fall? did i sleep through summer?

is it fall? did i sleep through summer?

It’s under 60 degrees in the Ville at almost 11:00 AM and the high will barely top 70. The pool water is too cold to enjoy and I’m wondering if it will be before fall takes over. Good grief! Days with record highs followed by days with record lows. 🙄

The deck that is slooooowly coming together…

Tim sent the photo above from his perspective… the building side. The pool steps have been installed and railing will go up soon. He’s here this morning — asked for coffee and a spare sweatshirt. He even showed up on Saturday when there was help (sort of).

With the weather as it is, there’s no rush. Tim’s moving as fast as he can and there’s no hurry anyway. Happy we can help him get back in the game after his bout with cancer, and wondering if this will last so long that I’ll miss him when he’s gone. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): Today I learned that I can’t access REDDIT for fun facts. (Read about it here on TechRadar.) About 90% of their subreddits are dark… meaning they’re down in protest over the site’s new (and controversial) charges for 3rd party app developers. Who knows what will happen next for Reddit? Not me… for sure. In the meantime, TIL here will be absent — just like the COVID stats that fell by the wayside.