The big scary storm is turning out to be not so scary after all. At least so far anyway. While this slushy stuff may change to snow later today, right now it’s just a whole lot of wet. I watched a Facebook video of my buddy, Alisa, making her way to work in Seymour this morning and she said all is clear.

The Weather Channel fail…
Alisa does a whole lot better relating weather conditions than Yes, seriously. Because I HATE ads and prefer up-to-date weather info, I decided to pay for their Premium Pro Annual service. Opening up the app, I’m still getting ads… same ole’ thing I got before.
It’s nearly impossible to contact anyone there — the only link where you can email about an issue is “feedback.” Oh, I have feedback, alright! I noted my issue and promptly got a reply…
Thank you for taking the time to write to us, our team has received your request. Our goal is to respond to all questions and concerns but due to volume we may not be able to answer all inquiries. We are, of course, delighted to hear back from you when we reach out. But if your response is delayed by more than 90 days, it will open a new case.
The Weather Company Support Team
It could be May before y’all fix what I paid for? I don’t think so. I gave them 24-hours and cancelled my subscription. I plan to focus my efforts on booking consulting for the company — you know… on how to treat customers. 🙄
TIL (Today I Learned): Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt once during a White House event, commandeered an airplane, and went on a joyride to Baltimore.