10 Things You Could Do Better

Mar 3, 2009

Have you ever read something and it stuck in your mind to the point that you had to go back and find it again? Such is the case of a post made by Chris Brogan.

I found Chris Brogan via an email sent to me of a review that appeared on his BLOG of my brother’s book. His review was in the form of a vodcast (video), and he went on and on about how he didn’t like the book’s cover, when in fact the cover had been revised weeks prior. His review was mediocre at best — he wasn’t driving his readers to spend their money to buy the book, that’s for sure. I watched the review with a smirk on my face, and immediately left his BLOG thinking he was a jerk who needed to comb his hair and learn some manners.

In the next few days, he and Scott exchanged emails, and he then again mentioned Scott in another post. Of course, I went back and read what he had to say. Scott seemed to respect him, so I subscribed to his BLOG and thought I’d at least give it a try for a few days. I have been reading his posts ever since, and to be honest, it’s now one of my favorites. The more I read, the better I feel like I know the guy. Hey…even the messy hair thing is growing on me. 😉

Now that those of you playing along at home know the history, I want to share a link to the post that has stuck in my head. It’s simply titled, “10 Things You Could Do Better Today.” His list is awesome, and I’ve gone back to it many times. But if those items don’t apply to you (many are business related), make your own list. C’mon – we all have 10 things we could do better today!