making hay while the sun shines

Aug 16, 2009

I’ve posted before about how oftentimes we become so busy doing busy work, that we forget (or feel we don’t have time), to enjoy the good stuff. I’ve warned you about it, and then have found that I’ve fallen into that same pattern myself. There’s regular work, there are the extra projects that I’ve recently taken on, there’s the home remodeling task — and then, people have to eat, dishes have to be done and we need clean clothes to wear.

The grind starts early and ends late. It seems that every day I’m becoming more bummed out than the day before. And for what? To capture more cash to get to a future spot? I’m all about making hay while the sun shines. I know that in 10 years or so I simply won’t be able to keep up with what I do now. There will be new “me’s”, with fresher ideas and better memories. I understand that we should all apply ourselves and work hard while we can — and I hope that in 10 years, I’ll be really freaking awesome at something that old chicks can excel in.

But how much life do we miss out on just by running to get to where we think we want to be?

I want to be a dog.

This morning I woke up early. I made a pot of coffee, poured a really big cup and took Libby to the back deck to relax by the pool. My head was still churning with ideas, to-do lists and unfinished business. Then — I looked at the face in the photo above and decided that it’s time for me to do things differently. Libby was content to do absolutely nothing. Now there’s something I’ve never been able to do.

Tomorrow is Monday, and I plan to adjust my routine. I’ll keep you posted on how it turns out. Maybe you’ll want to play along at home with this experiment. Yah?