i can say it here

Oct 18, 2010

This is my personal blog — it has nothing to do with the work I do for or with others. Although I may share business accomplishments, tips and even failures, the things I post about are from ME personally. This is me and one of my dogs. See? It’s personal.

Having said that, I want to share a link to a post entitled, Why So Much Venom From the “Haters”. Why here? Because I can say what I want on a personal level. So read the post and let me know when you’re ready to continue…

Ok. If you watched the video clip included in the post, you’re probably as sickened by it as I was. Thing is — at least those people didn’t go behind the backs of their neighbors and anonymously post those extremely hurtful photos and comments. They knew the people they were being mean to, and they wanted ownership of the pain inflicted. Now after the death threats, job suspension and vandalism to their home, they probably wish they would’ve hidden their identities — but they didn’t. A whole lot of people do.

And that’s even worse.

It’s so easy to spout vile and hateful things about somebody else under the cloak of anonymity. Some excuse their actions under the pretense of protecting others by offering “information” (even though much of what is shared is either out of context or totally inaccurate). I figure that’s pretty much how they can justify what they are doing. It sounds a whole lot nicer than saying, “I have a personal vendetta” or “I want revenge” or “I’m so jealous it’s making me unstable.” People who write crap in public while keeping their identity private know it’s wrong.

It is so pathetic that some get up and breathe each morning with the hope they might inflict pain on another person — no matter the reason or how they might justify their actions — without realizing the ones who suffer most are (1) the family/friends who lose time with the pain enforcer, and (2) the family/friends of the one being persecuted. Funny thing is…if you are a “hater”, you will undoubtably disagree with all my comments. Everyone else understands.

I liked the comment one reader left on the link I shared. It said, “Shake the dust off your feet and move on.” I don’t know about y’all, but I’d rather spend my time moving forward too…