when businesses do different

Feb 18, 2012

Picture this — open marketing mind securely in place… ready?

The restaurant provides customers with surgical gowns as they feast. The menu includes items like “Flatliner” fries, “Bypass” burgers (triple/quadruple/etc.) “ButterFat” shakes, and “Fat Bastard” wines. The sign on the front door says, “CASH ONLY — because you might die before the check clears.” At the Heart Attack Grill, “prescriptions” (not orders) are written by women dressed in short, tight nurse uniforms. Free meals await the over-350-pound crowd. The menu says, (and I LOVE this!)… “Plus 8.1% Sales Tax for our wasteful government to squander.” In addition, the menu offers Colt 45 beer in the can if you’re ‘feeling ghetto’ and mike’s hard lemonades to “get her to try new positions.”

So, I’m thinking it would be a pretty cool place to visit with a group of friends while in Vegas. I think about photos I could take there to share with y’all. There are other eateries that serve food just as full of grease and calories — they just don’t call a spade a spade. (It’s said a dinner portion of Chicken Alfredo at the Olive Garden is 1440 calories, while a double bypass burger is said to be around 1500. Not a lot of difference me thinks.)

‘Shelley A’ says they’ve got a pretty unique thing going on — a fun, distinctive experience. ‘Shelley B’ wonders if it’s a bit too risky… especially in light of the recent bad press… (their extremely obese spokesperson died last year and a customer recently had a heart-attack while dining). Hindsight is 20/20 yanno.

Here’s what I DO know… (both Shelley’s agree…)
It’s my opinion their Internet marketing plan sucks out loud. Why? First, their website’s main page is titled “Test.” It’s a map with their logo on top and links at the bottom. On the right are flowing EXTREMELY NEGATIVE Tweets posted in real-time. Just the FRONT page of their menu in PDF format is over 96MB to download (it’s the actual print copy from PrintPlace for crying out loud!)! One click and I had reduced the size (and the quality is still good) to less than 2 MB.

It’s seems to me that the Heart Attack Grill should invest in a bit of online reputation management and a quick design job for their website.