it won’t be long now…

Feb 18, 2013

I’m so very blessed to have had the opportunity to spend a lot of special time with my granddaughter of late — and I hope that continues for a very long time. BUT… it won’t be long now until she has her own house with her own room. And for that, I’m thrilled. I know there will be times I’ll miss her running around and getting into everything she’s not supposed to, but I’m really looking forward to the more conventional Nana role. Like where you go pick her up to go swimming or for dinner or for no reason at all — and then you take her home. I know I’m not the only one who’s counting the days.

Just to preserve the memory of the wonderful time I’ve had sharing my home with two people I love more than anything else…

soon to be empty

Ever since we’ve had a preliminary “date” of departure (sounds like a lovely cruise me thinks) I’ve become a Pinterest junkie! I don’t customarily pin things I like but instead use Evernote. I have a notebook called ‘spare room’ with paint colors I like, furniture, flooring, lighting and more. I figure that transformation will take up quite a bit of my spare time this summer — at least in the evenings.

Why Evernote? Because I have the ability to make notebooks for all sorts of things — not just items I might pin on Pinterest. It’s synced on all my devices including my iPhone (which is handy since I have a recipe notebook and can get to it easily when at the grocery) and since I have notebooks for everything from tutorials to gift ideas and from ‘for the home’ to ‘work projects’, it’s so versatile I don’t know how anyone gets by without it. If you don’t already use Evernote (is that possible?), try it. There’s a free version that you may choose to upgrade later.