an eye opening experience and looking forward

Aug 15, 2019

So yesterday I went for an eye exam at the Wal-mart Vision Center. I’m not sure that was the best choice. My first clue was when I had pay BEFORE seeing the optometrist. All the times I’ve been to the doctor, eye doctor, dentist, etc. — I’ve never been asked to pay up front.

Next, I was told that I have a cataract on one eye.

Her: 50 is awfully young to have a cataract.
Me: Ummm… I only wish I was 50.
Her: (looking at my chart and checking my age) Well, you’re still awfully young to have a cataract.

No matter… it’s there. Nothing urgent, but I was informed it would be a great time to have a multi-something implant and lose the glasses/contacts. My Nanny had cataract surgery a whole bunch of times so I guess I’m taking after her. Yippee! Maybe I’ll live to be 100, too.

Next, I was working on passport photos and fell back in time to our last Disney trip. When I saw this photo… I laughed out loud:

You can almost see my pink flip flops on Ben’s feet; I was 25 lbs heavier then; and Perry? His white legs — and that puffy belly — makes him look like he’s hopped a few too many parks. 🙂

Can’t wait to go back in January!