the 2nd leading cause of death in children

May 4, 2021

I argued with myself about posting this. Suicide is an uncomfortable thing to talk about, isn’t it? But no matter how painful, it’s a real problem, and ignoring it isn’t going to make it go away. Experts say that suicide/attempted suicide rarely has just one cause.

Perry’s niece is in ICU on a respirator at Riley Children’s Hospital. She attempted suicide by taking a bottle of her Mom’s psychotropic medication and cutting her wrists.

She just turned 13.

She left no indication as to why she wanted to end her life and said nothing to her sisters or any family member beforehand. This happened early Sunday morning, and she’s been in a coma since then. It’s so very tragic and sad.

My hope is that the sources that made her feel life wasn’t worth living are uncovered and appropriately treated.

I pray she makes a full recovery.

I pray she makes a full recovery.