Yesterday, Perry and I made a quick trip to Home Depot in an attempt to match paint for a couple touch-up spots. I had a mask (probably closer to 10) already in the car. We parked and noticed no one in the lot heading toward to the door or coming out of it was wearing a mask. We made the decision to go maskless. Once inside, we didn’t see ONE SINGLE PERSON masked up.
Crazy, but it felt like I was doing something reckless as I got out of the car without covering my mouth and nose with cloth. We didn’t get within 6′ of anyone but it still felt really over adventurous. I wanted to jump up in ‘spike the ball’ form and grunt-yell in my best gravelly voice, “YEAH!”
I’ve already gotten in a 4 mile walk this morning and had the breakfast of Champions…

Next, I have to mow the yard and take another maskless trip to Home Depot because the paint purchased yesterday didn’t match. I think it’s time to just paint the whole flipping room. 🙄Â
Here’s hoping y’all are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend as you remember and honor those who died to preserve and protect our freedom.