hottest days of year incoming

Jul 26, 2021

The outside temp here is 85°F and it’s just before noon. Now that doesn’t sound horrible, but stepping outside it feels “close.” which translates to already miserable.

We’re forecasted to have the hottest days so far this year coming up. The result of a heat dome (a strong high-pressure system of air that comes down from the atmosphere and creates vast areas of sweltering heat that gets trapped under it think pressure cooker), pretty much most of the US will be at temps 10 to 15 degrees above average.

My favorite brother lives in Las Vegas where temps of 100°F or higher during the summer months isn’t outside the norm. Dry heat is still HOT, you guys… but the “feels like” or heat index here is expected to be upwards of 110°. I read an article that explains “feels like temp” that you can find here. Basically, we sweat and as the sweat evaporates we cool off. When the humidity is high, that sweat stays sweaty and we stay hot.

What IS outside the norm for Vegas is thunderstorms. They had one last night — a good thing since their reservoir just hit the lowest level ever.

Experts say that indoor humidity in the summer should be between 30-50%. Right now, mine is 57% and it’s 72°F in here currently. That means to lower that percentage, I shouldn’t cook, dry clothes or wash dishes. I’m totally good with that! But, no bathing either and that’s asking a bit too much, isn’t it?

Stay home if you can and if you can’t… be on the lookout for any vehicle more eye-catching than this one spotted in my neck of the woods. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): Heat kills more people than any other weather related disaster in the US.