my heat bill will be 5 gazillion dollars

Nov 7, 2021

Friday night I could NOT get warm in bed. Too cold to get up to see what was wrong, I finally fell asleep. First thing yesterday morning, I checked the thermostat and even the furnace. A few hours later I noticed the bedroom window was wide open — a full 24-hours after I raised it to help dry the carpet after shampooing. It was below freezing that night.

My heat bill will be incredibly high this month and moving forward, we’ll all be keeping an eye out for stupid, costly errors.

The top 3 ways to save on heating costs during the winter:

  1. Bundle up. (I wear shorts and a sweatshirt. Does that count?)
  2. Close off unused rooms. (I might do that if it wasn’t for the fact that the only rooms I use are at opposite ends of the house.)
  3. Use ceiling fans. (I have ONE — in a room that even the dogs don’t use.)

I do have a programmable thermostat (#5 on the list) but the recommended temp at night to save energy is 60 freaking degrees! As an aside, they suggest 80 degrees in the summer at night. Why not 45 in the winter and 90 in the summer?? If you’re going to be uncomfortable – you might as well just go all the way with it! 🙄

TIL (Today I Learned): Goldfish have a memory span of at least three months, can recognize their owners, and can be trained to do tricks.