do you take the last one?

Nov 6, 2021

As I picked up a raspberry piece of sweet goodness this morning I had a crazy train of thought… We get these packages of pound cake slices that have three different kinds inside — raspberry, lemon and cinnamon. Everyone loves them in that order and the cinnamon ones are always left for last. Here’s the thing, I NEVER eat the raspberry even though it’s my favorite. I want to leave it for someone else.

Now Perry… he’ll pick up three of those raspberry ones and never give it a thought. Ben is middle of the road. He’ll take a raspberry and a lemon. Me? I’ll eat the least favorite cinnamon one every single time. Same thing happens with regular old meals. Take burgers for example… I’ll only put condiments on what I know I’ll eat. Perry slathers his garbage on two no matter if he ate 10-minutes ago. What’s up with that?

Mom told us about the starving kids in China (seriously… she said that) and ‘waste not want not’ was also a favorite. But it’s not even that because I’d leave that raspberry goodie in the container to mold before eating it. Until today. I ate the last one and enjoyed it! Then I felt guilty because my kid showed up and had to eat lemon. 🙁

The hounds couldn’t believe I did it either. They would’ve eaten it, I’ll betcha!

So what about you? Do you take the favorite or the last one of something? If you do… do you ever feel guilty about it?

TIL (Today I Learned): Decaf Coffee was accidentally discovered when a train car got soaked with sea water which removed the caffeine. (You can have all of that stuff.)