There’s a speaker I like a lot (besides my favorite brother), by the name of Phil Jones. He’s the “change your words, change your world” guy. One of his most quoted lines goes something like this…
The worst time to think about what you’re going to say is the moment you’re going to say it.
Phil M. Jones
This thoughtful quote came to mind today after hearing Joe Biden call a Fox News correspondent a “stupid son of a bitch.” 🙄
“Do you think inflation is a political liability going into the midterms?” Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy could be heard shouting as journalists filed out of the room. “No, it’s a great asset,” Biden muttered sarcastically. “More inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.” Watch it on here. Doubtful Biden knew his mic was open, but who knows.
Ole’ Joe didn’t even make it to the point he could apply the quote.
He forgot the entire step about THINKING about what he was going to say. He just let the insult roll right off his tongue.
Dharma isn’t a Biden fan. She likes him even less now because name calling is ugly.
TIL (Today I Learned): Greta Garbo told her friends that she wanted to meet Adolf Hitler, who had sent her a fan letter, so she could kill him with a gun hidden in her purse.