i sleep too late to be a billionaire

Mar 7, 2022

There was an article in the Business Insider that encourages readers to have a set morning routine. The 9 billionaires whose morning regimen they outlined all get up early. That’s right… they all get up early and the majority exercise BEFORE coffee.

Who knew exercising before dawn makes you rich!

Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett aim to get 8 hours sleep per night. Sara Blakely (founder of Spanx) has never had a cup of coffee. EVER! Elon Musk is a late riser compared to other billionaires… his lazy butt doesn’t get up until 7:00 — and he’s the only one of the 9 listed in the article that doesn’t claim to exercise at least one hour every day. They all say they wake up naturally — no need for an alarm.

What’s your morning routine?

Alarm or no? 8 hours sleep? Exercise before starting your day?

To those 4:00 AM rising billionaires, sometimes I’m not in bed yet at 4:00 AM. Like right now… I’m typing this at almost 2:00 AM and I’m not even a little bit sleepy. While I’d like to be a billionaire, I just don’t have it in me.

Sorry, Oprah, you’re going to have to walk your 5 dogs before dawn without me.

Dharma isn’t interested in keeping company with 5 dogs anyway. She can barely stand Merida most of the time.

Dharma is wet.

And Merida is too busy perfecting her begging technique to even entertain the idea of meeting Oprah and her hounds. She’s totally nailed the pitiful, sad eye technique. I can’t say no. Could you?

Merida is a beggar.

TIL (Today I Learned): The doctor who helped deliver Dolly Parton was paid, by her father, with a bag of cornmeal.