Alexa’s got some splanin’ to do

Apr 2, 2022

A mere sprinkle causes my dogs to track up the dark wood floors all over the house with muddy prints. Before spending a ton of time steam mopping today, I verified the forecast.

“Alexa, when is it supposed to rain?”
“No rain is expected until Monday afternoon.”

Good deal… I go to work. Around two-hours later, I’m finally finished with the steam mop.

And then, it starts to rain.

With nothing better to do than watch my clean floors get covered in paw prints, I ran some filters in Photoshop on a photo of Perry. I took it yesterday when he opened his new phone. He always, ALWAYS makes a face. Not much I can do about that witch, Alexa — but I can get payback on Perry.

Perry the troll

Can’t wait to hear what he says when he sees himself looking like Vol’jin from World of Warcraft — the former Horde leader with two fingers and a thumb on each hand. Just like Perry! The resemblance is uncanny!

Vol'jin the troll

TIL (Today I Learned): All carnivorous mammals can be divided into “cat-like” or “dog-like”.