last dog day of march

Apr 1, 2022

MasterSbilt Race Cars has a guard dog and I was personally introduced to him yesterday.

Waylon, the guard dog.

Waylon greeted me with a growl. After I was seated about 5-minutes, he started smelling my legs… presumably checking out Dharma and Merida. Shortly thereafter, he jumped in my lap where he happily remained for the next 10-minutes or so.

Once I got tired of holding him, I picked him up and put him on the floor at my feet. He turned around, growled, and tried to bite me. The little turd!

Jerilyn & Waylon

Then I found out there was also a shop cat that Waylon is afraid of. After getting snapped at after allowing the hairy little shit time on my lap, I would’ve fed him to the cat if I wouldn’t have gotten caught. 😉

TIL (Today I Learned): Mariah Carey demanded a $50 million inconvenience fee from ex-fiancée James Packer after they broke up. She received a multimillion dollar settlement and kept her $10 million engagement ring. (Inconvenience fee? Wow!)