i’m at a disadvantage… and other randomness

Sep 6, 2023

So the fat girl’s diet contest, or whatever it’s called, is moving right along except the rules have changed. The ending date was moved to the Thursday AFTER I get back from Disney. That means I spend a full week eating everything in sight that’s extremely fattening only to come back home and step on the scales.

That’s not just a disadvantage, I’m getting cheated!

Tired of eating only meat, eggs, and cheese, I decided to hop on over to the WeightWatchers program. That was BEFORE I found out that program isn’t nearly as steak friendly.

In 4 weeks, the final weigh-in will determine who pays for the $400 meal at St. Elmo’s. Even if I don’t lose another ounce — and so long as I don’t gain — Jerilyn must lose 7 pounds to catch me, and Katie must lose 13 pounds. While certainly possible, it’s not probable. Thing is, if the final weigh-in was scheduled BEFORE Disney, they wouldn’t stand a chance. 😉

It’s time to close it down!

While some might keep their pools open much later in the season, it’s time to cover this one up. There are too many trees nearby that have already started to think about dropping their leaves to keep up.

It’s getting cooler at night so it’s hard to keep the water warm enough for me without a solar cover. Katie was here over the weekend to eat and do laundry (yes, I fed her fattening food since she’s a cheater anyway) and will likely be summer of 2023’s last person in the pool for the season.

Now you know: Sean Connery used to polish coffins for a living.