first big yard cleanup of the summer

May 13, 2022

The yard and even the landscaping at this house is easy EXCEPT for a couple times a year. The worst, of course, is that first cleanup going into the summer season. Ummm… like now.

10 miles of boxwoods!

I got out the hedge trimmers and worked on the shrubs yesterday. If y’all ever hear me say I think I’ll plant a boxwood shrub, please stop me by any means. Holding up hedge trimmers — away from your body — twisting across 10-miles of shrubs is hard on an old woman’s back.

For the record, the photo below is of the front only. There are boxwoods on all four sides of this house. ARG!!

10 miles of shrubs

I know my buddy, Alisa, has the prettiest flowers on the planet, but I have some color going on here too that at least Merida approves of…

pretty flowers and Merida

I still have another 25 miles of boxwoods to trim that may or may not get done today. Taking out time to get Mom to the doctor at noon today (yup… #3 for the week) — plus regular office work that requires attention — leaves little time to get much done before the rain predicted to be here tomorrow. Oh well, those darned boxwoods will still be waiting on me… they aren’t going anywhere even though I wish they would.

Good thing it’s weekend… I need time to recuperate. 🙂


TIL (Today I Learned): John Graham hated his mother so much he hid 25 sticks of dynamite and a timed detonator in her suitcase before a flight. It was one of the first ever attacks of a commercial flight; all 44 aboard died.