let’s talk about hair y’all!

May 14, 2022

All the plans I had yesterday to get those 25 miles of boxwoods trimmed got nixed rather early. The good news is that Perry came with his A-game and did most of them for me while I made another visit to the doctor with Mom. More on that, but first…

Let’s talk about hair. Some have it. Some don’t.

messy hair don't care

And sometimes, those who have hair can’t keep it from blowing in their face. 😏

This photo was taken BEFORE I made a doctor/hospital run. My poor Mamma can’t catch a break. If she’s not having issues with her foot, it’s her wrist. Swollen, red and extremely painful, her physician got her in within a few hours after my call.

Not sure what was causing the problem, he gave her antibiotics and sent her for x-rays and blood work. But before that, he “tattooed” her wrist and told us that if the redness or swelling got past those marks we should go to the ER immediately.

I took the obligatory doctor/hospital selfie. It’s obvious she feels awful. 😔

Mom is so sick! :-(

No broken bones.

The blood culture test results won’t be back for 48-hours and she’s started antibiotics. I checked on her around 11:00 PM and am typing this after returning home at around 2:00 AM. I’m pretty sure she’ll be feeling good enough by early next week that she can finish trimming those darned shrubs for me while I catch up on sleep. 😉

On a happier note.

I sent the following image to Mom via text a couple days ago. She responded, “How true.

me as a teen

TIL (Today I Learned): Mud Dauber Wasps reproduce by building tubular nests out of mud, then going out and gathering spiders by paralyzing them then sealing them inside the nest with an egg. The offspring will then consume the paralyzed spiders when it hatches.