3 hours of whacking weeds is 1 minute of exercise?

May 30, 2023

Wouldn’t you think that with so many people wearing Apple watches they could make them a little better? A little more accurate?

Yard work isn’t exercise until you say it is.

I got up this morning and started on the yard before it got too hot. Our EGO weed eater is heavy and we have a TON of stuff that has to be trimmed with it. I forgot to tell my Apple watch I was doing yard work, but wouldn’t you think it could recognize some type of exercise? NOPE! But my Oura ring picked it up with no problem!

Apple Watch: 1 minute of exercise and 2869 steps.
Oura Ring: 2.873 hours of exercise and 8624 steps.

That’s a huge, HUGE difference, you guys. The Apple watch is ok for telling time and connecting to your iPhone, but all the other stuff is lack luster in my opinion. I hate that… I’ve always loved Apple products. 🙁

TIL (Today I Learned): From 2009 to 2019, out of 212 cruise ship overboard incidents only 48 people were rescued.