remote work makes you fat and ugly

Jun 17, 2023

Researchers want me (and maybe you and the rest of the world) to know that if we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to have a hunched back, bleary red eyes, and text claw (painful and crippling condition caused by excessive texting that can lead to tendonitis). If you work remotely, might want to read this article.

How to avoid this bleak future…

My last couple weeks have been filled with bad work days. There’s no other way to say it — the majority of my work time has been filled with things I don’t like to do. I’ve been tied to my seat in front of the computer day after day and I’m hoping the shitty things will now come sporadically as opposed to continuously.

To make matters worse, I’ve been trying to work remotely while contractors are also working here. The only good thing I can say about this situation is that both contractors like classic rock. At least I haven’t been forced to listen to country music blaring while trying to concentrate. 🙂

The only way you can avoid the awful outcome of working remotely is to get up and move!

I’ll be moving more soon since Tim is almost finished with the deck!

Once Tim is done, the spring projects that require hiring someone will be complete for 2023. No people here every day! Yippee! That means my remote worker’s body will get some much needed outdoor activity. Some fun and some outdoor work is in my future… neither of which require me to be hunched over a computer for hours and hours.

We all know it’s important to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We know we’re supposed to stay hydrated, eat nutritious meals, and get enough sleep. I’ve not been checking off any of those boxes lately, but hope you join me in turning that around — at least by a little bit!